


youręer n»ftwr poncc • fcas to be notod liowm. M «sr> smtor torms mm ateo tound m gum bom be fcegfnrirg of ta Fteman panofl (Dąbrowska 1997 tC^-tC2Jl At be <arwtczł* sto a snd pot wy srto-ar r si2e anc sfcape c (ta cup Irero Pefcsysfca was ateo tuorjrwng ttSpgifigrtolUmLIypebRiacłiK dssc Som ptese A3 (Dąbrowska 1997 33, 6g 62 9).

Irr Kanzewmc tfte pccs otbe type ampstoto mb boseafranety Foccor wH) b grates tom phase i ol be cemetey anc ess ftegoentfs r grmes cf totor dato ;Dąbrowsxa 1973 501). A 'ifete cap wry smtor to ta aot Son Hagysws SsconeiBd r grawe na 152 anc s totoc ty le spccr-tcw ffcui iDąbcasa 1973473 % J£ 6'. Vcberacafbs>eeacaisrgr*«eno 13 tom tamte togeber str a qpe to aroocr ang a shńeftf bess of toosnec prafle Dacrrwse. 1967. 20-22). Oescito be -sc* of metal etyce astongst be

atoe one to esfaMśfa ber etronowgs gute precsel) Fcflcwnig be sarranology aporactp r tfae Paemarsk nJtue Tts “aUs mtit pftese AJ of re ycunger pre-Efcmat period. Wewmg E^fczysfcs fora be perspeca*e of be Tyraec GKlc anc vmg regaca to parabefe r ał«er stos r re sestom sarna! Ltfle Petenci be grace snaac se ester r LT 02 r sms of abscŁto cbronofo-gy bo aporaanseay orwponfls war be second raf of be fest cenuy SC.

The rrunsoor graaesafire Przeworac aJŁre ćsnrę r f«e Pie-Aomer anc Ean> Ftemar perods are ecreneiy •are We srał ant tece be sesr oowr anenę beto — te sc-afce prmcay jraes ~ris noaeuer cces not near ba be rfe of rrunaocr tjpcat af taosrty fts-wec ęrsues eas not anc assonatec mt be cererao-raes aecoepaiyrę crdngn xras On be cortrary. raubę rgęard to coreemporary ewdence ty paraiete tor lte pfenranesaa r be Caeen Repcbfe Skiwlua anc abersaraaf Posne. i seans ra rer= may -a.e been a osrainon praaice srane oy af these •eęicrs* The. wew • a raster bat tefces es eawnacrabt/ beyond ftefentoaftoesresentsfedy Letarg asde be prmcety yanes seanoes er rru-aoo- kutas caóngfcorn be łSwoaseri perce feate Been fb.nć at morę tar 40 stos r Petent Tbese oonsat of eiampea fora cemeneres anc actóed groes anc aa wf as fen Buras (burd ntffan seOemento. Doe to re parny scato of puOsned sfanaeaon t« aibojt to ifetename graesety beś maoś-■mjn master but t amarSy eceeas 130

‘ Zenon *ał» Has aępokfced Im setom « a «om»-■ner smtor nanser. lstong as cne nonzan Kc cmmtoon M Eany Roman pasat « tw saaston part at Ute ffetont and tm AkomScR yaueftom Kato Masa -ua ant re prrrjay Sunął tan Gmaittpa m seonęng e ta sase tasaas ofds-SMraae—aEpopimsanmMm—ifnctato 1979.230!

There n no spece hm tor a detoded deacnpaon of fes* Orneto nor slte pnasent >itor‘» otpcM ao to do. Oeajsssm sdi be imtod to some obaenrabone fet ansę as a cesuft of compenrig tie Pefczysfta grawe sdb ober bunais of te t>pe. and in perbcutor as ccncemcertom datsto oonnected wti burta! ntuaf wtscfi ao tor rewę not beert notod The oorrpeneons ctwer bot trato bom period af be PeRanen period, as <ml as bom be earty stage of Roman period because n rsapect of be obsened buriaf ntuaf — and bus be bafcaf system •tocb must have been bebind be ntua) — bereareatol of charactonsbcs ara common. nobstotslandfeig tomional dSerences Ki«jsthomeverbeemphasaedbaŁtor«sn-ous reasens. witn rsapect to many dtocoaenes we onher toch mtotmaaon about detais wtikfi are of mtorest to us (ef Babę 1969: 361(7 Zetonfca 1970: 184; Gedi 1972: 110-112). or bat be mtormabon «Mi we do hm yiulitilH*.

Fśtcs of mhumabon graves of be Przeworsk otoure bom rre Pre-Raman and Earty Roman peńods are grauped r seaeraI regnns: Kujawę and Patok. Lower Sfese and be Gtobczycfca Uptand. Rom be wesćem par. of Lee Potand so far orty one certam buriaT has been reccrtec—bom Krafcósr Nowa Huta (Hacfsifefca Ledwos 1966 . Desprte cer ę a bit younger ban be gra-re frorr. Pefczyska « b ntóresOng for a number of reasons. Amongst ober featores. despde some ddterences witfi regaro to, among ober aspeets. be orientabon and be deposition of be body. In seserat ober aspeets bod* grams are wery atete.

Parfeuferfy sighOcarU s be srze of the grave pit ■ner n bcdi cases s dfeproporfionabfy targe In reteticr to wrac was actoaby requred for buryśng be deceasec-A srrriisr sifluabon may be obsened snb regard to ser-erai graues in be cemetery at hnowroctaw. sde 58 (Cofta-Bronewska Bednarczyk 199B: 96) and be gram of Nowa Mes Wrocławska, sde 1 (Pescrreck 1939: 344} Rober srndsnGes are faund r reiation to be way of byórg out be body m be grawe as wel as be actuai grs/e goods r be kast Bno ezamptes. be deceased were ptaced on ber nght side wtb legs Ssosd13'. Atbough bis way of

*" Fpr rstarce ta drocnpiton of bonę* kom gra«e na 2 darcMrad at DWEjpr (Wucruu 1969 372) does not ~atc* ta sodocr aepłcaec in ta pueilsneć llfusffation ( -. < Bałke 1969 ryc.5)

r :s possbie na an Earty Romar perce graw af ta typ* «oa aisc docoMMC Et Roste^a near FlnczOw (cf Janka 1966. 1S5J

Ttw dmeneems of ta Kra*0w News tato grme p< M*r* k25 m iHkMU Ledoos 1966 151)

N There ia a notebte aMtorsnc* n ta Kraków Newa tato yaw mm ta scmhIi barta wene bent at ta elbaw at an angs ot 46 feggos aa mat bob coufd De ptocwl pam «p on wswr sd* af ta tocs.


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