

!S IT POSSIBLE FOR o man who knows nothing abouf mechanics to be able to find the flow in a motor he has never seen, on a ship he hos never visited, olthough the ship is many miles owoy ond experts hove given the motor numerous fruitless inspections?

WHAT CAUSES a policeman to arrest iwo men for a rob-bery before the crime hos been reported ond to obtoin their confession even before the stolen voluobles are missed?

HOW COULD a man in Englond witness the murder of his brother in Alaska and be so instrumental in bringing the killers to justice that he is suspected of being an ac-complice?

WHY OOES a lonely rancher dream of the precise spot where a lost boy has taken refuge on a frozen mountain-side, enabling him to save the boys life by riding to his rescue?

WHO CAN EXPLAIN how a tełegraph key encased in o soap bubble, under o glass beli, surrounded by wooden crates, is pressed by the force of a womon's concentration and olthough the signal Is transmitted, nonę of the protec-tive covering$ are disturbed—including the delicote film of the soap bubble?

WHERE MIGHT these astonishing insights ond abilities orig-inate? Only one of the people described above is ac-tually a practicing psychic. The others are all seemingly ordinary people who have had ot leost one extraordinary experience in the use of extra-sensory perception. And there are countless others whose ESP encounters are recorded in this provocative and illuminating new look at the strange power that moy be man's inyisible bridge to the unknown.


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