ANS CII 07 Test2

ANS CII 07 Test2

T£ST 2

I. (lOp) Usc the Taylora Formula for f(x,y) ,f(x,y) = e2x+3y to find the quadratic (n = 2) approximation at the origin (0,0). Estimate the value of

f(0.01,0.01) = e' fol)- K

■= 2

Tj/fto)- 4 + 9* +    +    -ł-6*^ +5 8

2,    fff"4 t O.or f 49,S. o. 0004



2.(1 Op) Sketch the region of integration, reverse the order of integration 3

- Xi\r-r? * %* '|X '


x-a=-''Y’3 * * 2-


3.( 1 Op) Find the volume of the region that lies below the graph of f (xs y ^ __ ^


-2)^ti'- Lł> 4V-l

h--    u-?)' =>

above the region R = {(x,y): 0 < x <1, 0 < y < x2 }.

y    d-y~ - jp* [ ’jQ '= |

+ 1


V. -1

a \ oLfc =

l dJb _

4. (lOp) Evaluate the given integral by changing to polar cord. //-R is bounded by the curv

R »x + y? ^Jtcjy

y >0, jtis=yŁiSy; x2 + y2 <^x.

xN,*Ł** i

# 4    ? jjj <OsQ




5. (lOp) Evaluate the following improper int J——- dx

ii— = 4: Urn f 1 s * w-ioo L S. t T ’

a 'i


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