Spider-Man 2099
I sutilly .UlirtJ in red JtiJ Muf, Spidft- H oiihin tometines urjrs
.i Mttek (Oiinmc.
FIRST APPEARANCE What If? #105 (February 1998)
REAL NAME May 'Mayday' Parker OCCUPATION High-schOOł student BASE New York City HEłGHT 5 <t 5 ir. WEIGHT 112 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Simiłar powers Ol agiliły. strenglh. and climbing abiiity as Spider-Man; uses web-snooters. devek>ped by her father. to trave< across the city or trap enemies.
In .i possible futurę. Simdkr-Man is injurcd battling the Gri-fn Gohiin and rctircs Irom crime-figluing. His wite (scc Parker, Mary Jani ) gives birih to their first child and Peter Parker becomes a tbrensic scientist for the NYPD. His dauglitcr May grows up to play high-school basketball. During a ganić, she cxhibits superhuman agility and soon learns of her fathers past. Having inherited his powers, May decides to take up the tarnik business as Spider-C»irl. She battles new \illains. such as Funny Face. Crazy F.ight, Dragon Lord. and Killerwatt. She also contronts the sons and daugluers of \illains that lud once challenged her dad like Eleara. Raptor and Normie Osborn. Spider-Girl has also aided other Super like the Avem.lrs and the I antastic I ive.
Liku most teenagors. SpOOf Girl IS nev«r W.tioul1 cert pheno. whicłi sna(is into a tioMer on hor wot>-shco:cis.
FIRST APPEARANCE Spider-Man 2099 #1 (Novomber 1992) REAL NAME M^uel OHara
OCCUPATION Genetic engineer. adventurer BASE New York City HEIGHT 5 fl 10 in WEIGHT 170 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Superhuman strongth. speed and agllity. Can adhere to surfaces and pro|ecl webbrng from spmnerets in forearms Retradabte talons and fangs that secrete poison.
In 2099 A D in an alternatc futurę,
Miguel CVHara, head of geneties for the Alchemax Corporation, tried to reereate the powers of the original SP!I)CR-Man. His superior.
Tyler Stone. controlled him by addicting him to a drug callcd Rapture. Trying to cure himself. 0'Hara underwent his own expcrimemal genetic manipulation process. Tliis was sabotaged by a co-worker, causing C)’Hara to dcvelop spider-like powers. He becamc the Spider-Man of 2099, battling both supercriminals and Alchemas. After his secret idcn.tity was exposed he joined the Exills. ps
Spirit of ’76
FIRST APPEARANCE The lnvad«rs V0I 1 *14 (March 1977)
REAL NAME Wittem Nasiand OCCUPATION Costumed acventurer BASE Mobile HEIGHT 6 ft 2 •*< WEIGHT 215 Ibs EYES Blu* HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES teo !«ve< at^eie and tormtdable nand-to-hand combaiam. worc a buiiet-proot cape: as Captam Amer>ca ne nad a Steel sniekJ. which was not indestructibie.
Inspired by Captain Americas World War li exploits. William Nasiand became the costumed adventurer. Spirit of*76. After battling Nazi spies in Philadelphiu. Nasiand inovcd to Great Britain and joined the Crusaders team of heroes, umil its leader was revealed to be a German agent. Nasiand continued to contribute to the war etfort. partnering Captain America on a mission to Berlin. Following the Caps apparent demise. Nasiand agreed to bccomc a second Captain America but his career as this cmblcmatic tigurehead was cut short when he dted preventing the assassination of would-be congrcssman John F.
Kennedy. AD
FIRST APPEARANCE Longshot *1 (September 1985)
REAL NAME -Rcochet" Rita
OCCUPATION Warńor sorceress BASE Mobile
HEIGHT 5 fi 10 in WEIGHT 150 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Sihrer
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Enhanced slrength. spollcasting
ab-Mies altów tełeportaton bełween dimensons; excellem
swordswoman who can wield six weapons at once.
Spiral is a six-armed sorceress who works as an aide to the alien despot Mojo. An actress in her former life. Spiral received genetic alterations in the Mojoserse dimension that reshaped her form and gavc her other enhancemcnts, including the abiiity to manipulate magie. On Earth. Spiral briefly served with the mutant government operatives in Frfkdom Forc l and opened an exclusivc cybcrnetics storę, the Body Shoppc, whose customers included Lady Dfathstrike. dw
FIRST APPEARANCE The lnvaders Vd. 1 *7 (July 1976)
REAL NAME Jacquekno Falsworth Cnchton OCCUPATION Adventurer BASE Falsworth Manor. England HEIGHT 5ft4m WEIGHT i 10 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Bloode SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Snitfire can move at superhuman speed. Sbe can run up to 50 rmlos per hour and sustain that speed for up to four hours.
During World War II, |acqueline Falsworth was scrving in Englands Home Guard. a civil defensc group, when she was attacked by the Nazi vampire Baron Blood. She was reseued by the original 11 liman Torch. an android who gave her a translusion of his artificial blood. The combination of the vampire bite and the I Iuman Ibrch s blood gave Falsworth amazing superhuman speed. She adopted the name Spitfire and teamed up w ith the Iny aders. a group of costumed heroes who battled against the Axis powers during the war.
Over time her powers faded. but another translusion from the Humań Torch was able to restore ihem. mt