See Schód. p. 88 for ssk. SK2P and loopcast-on.
Cast on 53 sts. Work 3 ridges, end with a WS row. Beg Charts A, B and C: Row 1 (RS) K3. work Chart A over 9 sts. Chart B over 29 sts. Chart C over 9 sts. k3—61 sts. Keeping first and last 3 sts in garter st (k every row), work charts as established throogh row 37. then cont working Chart B through row 72. and rep rows 2-36 of Charts A and C—61 sts. Next Row (RS) K3. *k2tog. ssk. pS. k2tog. ssk*. p29, rep from * to * once. k3—53 sts. Work 3 ridges. Bind off. n
Ada Fenidi Sguar* _
Needles 7 (4 Smm) (stras OUt tttdt (en)
P/KINC (PI. ki] into a st.
K/P INC (KI, p1] into a st.
INC 2 (KI, pi, ki] into a st.
MAKE BOBBLE (MB) [Yo, ki) 3 times in a st. turn, *sl 1 with yarn in front (wyif), pS, tum, sl 1 with yarn in back (wyib), k5, turn; rep from* once morę, then [p2tog] 3 times. turn. SK2P. DEC 3 (RIGHT) Wyib, sl 1 to RH needle; pass 2nd st on LH needle over first (center) st; sl center st to RH needle and pass 2nd st on RH needle over it; sl st back to LH needle and pass 2nd st over it; sl st to RH needle.
DEC 3 (LEFT) Wyib. sl 3 to RH needle; pass 2nd st on RH needle over first (center) st; sl st back to LH needle and pass 2nd st over it; sl st back to RH needle and pass 2nd st over it.
2/1 RC Sl 1 to cn, hołd to back, k2; ki from cn. 2/1 LC Sl 2 to cn, hołd to front, ki; k2 from cn. 2/1 RPC S11 to cn. hołd to back. k2; pi from cn. 2/1 LPC Sl 2 to cn. hołd to front, pi; k2 from cn. 2/2 RC Sl 2 to cn. hołd to back. k2; k2 from cn. 2/2 LC Sl 2 to cn, hołd to front, k2; k2 from cn. 2/2 RPC Sl 2 to cn. hołd to back. k2; p2 from cn. 2/2 LPC Sl 2 to cn. hołd to front. p2; k2 from cn. 2/3 RPC Sl 3 to cn. hołd to back. k2; p3 from cn. 2/3 LPC Sl 2 to cn. hołd to front. p3; k2 from cn.
CHART A OVER 9 TO 16 TO 13 STS Row 1 (RS) P/K Inc. K/P Inc. p5, P/K Inc. K/P Inc— 13 sts. 2 KI, p2. k7, p2. ki. 3 PI, k2. p3. loop cast on 1 st (CO 1). Inc 2. p3. k2. pi—16 sts. 4 KI, p2. k3, p4. k3, p2, ki. 5 PI. 2/1 LPC, 2/2 RPC. k2. p3. k2. pi. 6-34 fWS rows) K the knit sts and p the purl sts. 7P2, 2/2 RC. p2. k2. p3. k2. pi. 9PI. 2/1 RPC, 2/2 LPC. k2. p3. 11 PI. k2. p3.2/2 LC.
Mott for Charts AondC Work rows 1-37 once, thtn rtp rows 2-36.
p3. k2. pi. 13 PI. 2/1 LPC, 2/2 RPC. 2/2 LPC, 2/1 RPC. pi. 15 (P2.2/2 RC. p2) twke. 17 PI, 2/1 RPC. 2/2 LPC. 2/2 RPC. 2/1 LPC. pi. 19-25 Rop rows 11-17.27 Rep row 11.29 PI. k2. p3. k2. 2/2 LPC. 2/1 RPC. pi. 31 PI. k2. p3. k2, p2.2/2 RC. p2.33 PI. k2. p3, k2, 2/2 RPC. 2/1 LPC. pi. 35 Pl. k2. p3. Dec 3 (Right), p3, k2. pi—13 sts. 36 KI, p2. k7, p2. kl. 37 PI, k2. p7, k2. pl. Rep rows 2-36 once morę.
CHART B OVER29 TO37 TO29STS Row 1 (RS) (Pl, kl) twice, p25.2 {Inc 2, p3tog) 6 times, [kl, pl) twice. kl. 3 (Kl. pl) 5 times, p19. 4 (P3tog. Inc 2) 5 times, [pl, kl) 4 times. pl. 5 (Pl, kl) 6 times. pl7.6 (Inc 2, p3tog) 4 times. [kl. pl) 6times.kl.7( 11 times. p7.8 (P3tog. Inc 2)
TAoofi (M-te KOD
EESWrej —^DKiflW C=—.OkJiWJ
\ y>2/uf( >C2ZV2K nnmi t
Chart A