22 1 (4)

22 1 (4)

Doiły on page 22

• MatarUls: Cfochot cooon    (Soft twalod) 3S g whro (BlANOCK.t iiC-c* ftowM-ŻS g whCo <BLANCX 10 g peooy Wt &ST) &0Ch# hoc* li« i 75 mm

•    Finłahod tix*: 24 cm m

   IntftuettOA*: Wvt*caoC#f Row 1icłN*n3mog. Mch 1 $c" ropo*: from *to *5 urno*. 4ch. etos* *'th a Row 2: wor* 6 p*t*ls. Row 3: poi-.og tho p<ovous row Ol p*Ut* IOwaadyOui SCOnRow t Row 4: wo<* 6 po*.Łh Row 5: *5 Ch iKrwwi Row8:«aft»wih3cft.#5ch. l<fc* 'eęwv>t Row 7 worv sc arou^J Row 8—12 rcr**so 6 ttlO* Rows 9 11 Row 13: wortt sc AfOuhd ółcmacog 6 s*s Mąko th* outsOe itowofs. usk>3 yam *o» tho p*u& oo Row 2


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