Octofoils — domed centre and domed lobes, with holes for separate, single rivets
(all rivets are missing)
Copper alloy
1038 BWB83 5835C (207) 11 d 15mm
1039 BWB83 3238 (265) 12 fig 122 d 16mm; stamped out to shape of lobes.
Cf sexfoil no. 1007.
Octofoils — composite, with separate frame and backing sheet
Copper alloy
1040-42 SWA81 947, 948 & 1789 (2102) 12 fig 122
Three similar mounts from the same deposit - each d 12.5mm; brass (AML); cast frame in each is eight-lobed extemally, and six-lobed internally about a central hole; two rivets hołd the frame to an irregularly cut polygonal backing sheet and would also have fixed the mounts in place.
Octofoils — with single, integral rivets
1043 BWB83 3211 (264) 9 fig 122
d lOmm; dished centre with raised dot in middle; eight irregularly spaced lobes, each with a raised circle and dot.
1044 BWB83 4430 (unstratified) fig 122
d 28mm; lead-tin (MLC); domed centre; edges of lobes fiat; crude, radiating scratches give a slightly morę naturalistic flower-like appearance.
Copper alloy
1045 BWB83 acc. no. 5827 (context 310) ceramic phase 12 fig 122
d 24mm; domed, 13-lobed mount; back filled with lead; (?)separate rivet missing.
Cf nos. 873-88 for other items with lead in the hollow backs.
Including sąuare mounts orientated as lozenges on surviving straps - altemative orientation may some-times be found for mounts of identical form (see no. 1068 and parallel, fig 125). For rectangular mounts lOmm or less wide, see bar-mounts nos. 1132-46; for other rectangular mounts (generaUy plainer examples) see strap plates nos. 1202-16.
NB within ceramic phases the following mounts are listed in order of increasing size of second dimension -ie approximate strap width.
Fiat, with separate rivets
Copper alloy
1046 BIG82 acc. no. 2424 (context 3394) ceramic phase 7 fig 123
Cast; 30x25mm; gunmetal, with copper rivet (AML); openwork lattice of four rectangles, each of a slightly different size; central boss; holes for four rivets, one of which survives; morę robust than most mounts de-scribed here, so possibly from an item other than dress.
1047 SWA81 2965 (2031) 9 fig 123 llxl5mm, divided by grooves into three fields, the central one with holes for two missing rivets and the outer two having a series of transverse grooves.
1048 BWB83 4695 (307) 11 fig 123 16x21mm; degenerate version of a double-headed bird (Prather than a scallop shell); beaded border; holes for two missing rivets.
1049 BWB83 5935 (295) 11 fig 123 Orientation uncertain; 15x29mm; central hole flanked by holes for two missing rivets; stamped beading around perimeter. Possibly a strap-plate, though the sheeting is rather thin (cf no. 1051).
1050 BC72 1869 (55) 11 fig 123 15x36mm; one comer cut at an angle; engraved black-letter d or p on a field of engraved zigzags, all within border lines; holes for two missing rivets.
1051 BWB83 5936 (310) 12 fig 123 48xl5mm; two stamped floral motifs of seven and eight dots, each with the central dot stamped from the other side; stamped beading around the perimeter; holes for four missing rivets; coating, probably tin (MLC).