In tho past, gender roles were dearly defined. Tho man went out to work, the woman stayod at, homo to look aft.or the children. The top box Office succoss of 1987 was Tkrac Men and a Baby, a comedy about the men Irying to look
aftor a baby. 1_____ Eceryone laughed
bocause i( was tnie to life. Would it work now, t wen ty yoars lat er? Or have roles changed so much that the idea of a man not being able to change a nappy is as unlikdy as t hal of a woman not being able to change a tire on a car.
How did ati.iludes change so much? -_
Prom the age of 16, John Lennon was involved in making musie. He was always the most publidy aggressice member of his gronp, The Beatles. His first marriage was a veiy traciitional one. Iloweeer, in 1969 he married his second
wife, Yoko Ono._____In 1976, he decided
he’d had enough of the musie business and became a house husband. He stayed at home, looking after his baby and making bread while Yoko continued witłi her work. 4 Friends couIdnT believe he could just abandon his
career. 4_____David Beckliam, another
superstar, has also shown his feminine side. In 2002, he wore a sarong, a Malaysian dress, to a
nightclub.5_Perhaps it was just another
clever photo opportunity. We will probably never know.
Margaret Thatcher was another person who reversed roles. She was the first woman Prime Minister of Great Britain. People often said that she acted morę like a man than some of her małe colleagues. In the małe dominated world of
the late 1970‘s, there was no room for females
but women could still succeed. Perhaps someone could repeat her success now but without sacriftcing their femininity.
s Mikę Newell, the buton Town
football manager , is no strangerto controversy.
In 2006 he b('carne famous for criticising the assistant referee of a match his team were playing in. This is (juite conimon behavaour but in this case tliere was another factor. The assistant; was a woman. He macie it vety elear that, in his opinion, a womairs place was-not on a football pitoli. '. _
Perhaps before al-hiudes cmi change completcly, our Royal Family noeds to become moro modem. Prineo Gimrles is the Queen’s oldest; child and so, will b(-,«ome King wlien the Queen dies. No surprises ihere. Imagine, though, if something happeiif.,| to Charles, William and Harry. Wio would b,ke over? The Queen’s second oldest child? No, he, third oldest. Wity? Because
the second oldest child is Annę.8___Surely,
in the 21st cent my, this can’t be right..
A Being mon, they had no idea of what to do.
B IIowcver, some things never change.
C She mado him awarc of a different way of life.
D Hero aro sonie people who have hclpcd us to sec that our roles nood not bo so dearly defined.
E Slio’s a woman and she comes aft.or tho men.
F This is a good oxamplo of roIo-revorsal.
G Or anywhere near ono!
H Was ho making a siatoment about sexual oąuality.
i Howevor, in intemows, he said that these were tho happiest yoars of his life.
A You know, I" t h i n k tbat all these police series and Holloywood crime films aro awful. TheyT’0 so unrealistic.
B Thats 1 _ o___e. I can’t watch them.
They’re rubbish.
C _ m_ o _ _ it! There have been some brilliant films. The Godfather, Heat,
A Weil,8 _ a___. But, I mean films that are all
the sam£.*A car chase through the city, łots of smashed up police cars, a finał shoot-out, the criminal dies.
C You’ve 4 _ _ t a____t. I’ve seen a few like
that. But they’re still fun and keep you on the edge of your seat. They’re exciting.
B 6 _ _ _a_! How can they be exciting when you know what will happen. Tell me a crime film where you didn't know how it was going to end.
- —f w W. • , .
C The Usual Suspects. Brilliant film, brilliant ending. I’ve seen it five tirnes and I still can’t. quite work it out.
A 6 No___b_ _ b__t it. It is amazing. You’re
7 _. .. . d ... g ..
B Ilmm OK, I’ll agree with that one. But 1 still think the rest are poor.