tirami Itradon Ihc fiih body. Rom U:M. Idb.
Rom 14: 2cfc. llicn v*r.r*r b*ck M Ilu- roitrr rdjir of the Liii ar in rem $ to incre-Jar lin- hut. Raw 15; 2db (fil Iht- xvoixl beid between dl* and l Inact* pli oto I;. 21. gii tHiough ilu- iminl brud on the body. Rmr l& lćl\ put on Jdb at ooce and po t**_l (hrouęh tbe troi tobegin rew 17 (pboło jj Kin*' l~; adh.thm pamlbc nordlr Ihroiijji the ncarcU l*r.*d on the body.
Rom IR: I Oe Jdli, Wm the Ihre-Jil into the uil icd body.
bort/ (front tailf)
Add a ncvr tlirrod. etiling where the »lop lx-ad dues. fi*w 1:6y, 3t, jdd 11 ind Ib togetber in ibe nett opoce In mc I in. rtw pboto k), Jb,
Ib uxl it toporni far the aecoml inc, Jr.by. IVilc tbe tlinrad t.ul and «top beid mnde tbe body;
Kaw i ćy. -e (|)ie 4lh 1 goo bctwcen the inernue beid* co row l).2b,5Lti). Rmr,*5y,M.5kM.5y. k.m 4: ty, 61. 4b.6t.5y.
On reny* 5-8 and 10-13, wort partia! ttiu-r tlut utden tbe tup ol the body W erow the humpoftlic 6»h'i bach. Y«t mml lunę m lo»l One croiiplrte retw belween cach group ol chiirl rmv*lo unooth out the Hwk (nm t and HI. IV• difłtmil
0!*OCD CfaTHft numltcri of ctil.hr. i>n mdl of lite tliorl ruw groupa.
Ron'5. Kdb.
Rom6. runi iht li-Jl and Mnrk baca up the tamę akie, Kdb (plt mol).
Rom Ti Conlimie uńchirg down lite nr lut ufe. «.IK Rem It: Tmn tbe fuh ovct sani pcyolc ititch bach up the tecond udr. Mb Ruw 9 \bu aro t*m at the center top of the bici. the ctunyr m n.vw point. Stilch all the w.ty around the body: Hdl\2L Ib.dec. lK2l.*\l|i Rom 10: Rrpn the jecond gtentp of ahoet im*, Jdb RlW 11: VW*V lut k np thn lidc.M,
Ron‘ IZ: Co down the otlicr
tide. ’*lb
Rom I .k Wtok hack up thi* ttde. Jc
Rom 14: l‘evc<r)liKh all the wat arouod the body: V.. dcc jt tbe sitort row tuan >)*«*, t to rtOiT rum -pot.der Iphoto m).t to tmd of ruw—221 sdded thii ti>w. NoCr. w Inn yyiu pi to the two dugceul beodr at tłie cod *«f tire firćl łhfnl niw gremp. po tliniuglt one and acid a braci otn the aeeood (piiolo n)
Rom li: 8», dcc. 2t. dtc. 8t. Kom /&it.de*., lat.dc*. 2t Rom 17: ISł
Rom /ftW.deo.-tt.dre.M. Nonv uult the fi-Ji liglltiy Row 19 I St.dce at the end of Ihc rttw (tbe top of the body; Raw 29 151.
Raw 21:1 <t. der »t lop Kaw 22: Tt.der ai belly. 7t. Row 23:12t.
Rinf 24: dcc ai top. M. dcc at bety. (it.
Rnif Z5rllt.
Run- 26: d«v at Węv M. dicc at bełr.h.