26 27

26 27

13 a) 1 Whal is łhe person In the plcture doing

2    How would you feel if you were him

3    very nenrous

4    ever been bungee jumping

5    I llke playlng tennis

b) (Suggested answers)

•    A: What is the person In the picture doing? B: Sheisskiing.

A: How do you think she feels?

8 I think she feels happy and determined. A: Have you ever skied?

B: Yes, I have./ No. I haven’t.

A: What spoits do you like?

B: I like playlng tennis.

•    A: What are the people in the picture doing? B: They are white water rafting.

A: How do you think they feel?

B: I think they feel excited and maybe scared. A: Have you ever been white water rafting? B: Yes, I have./No, I haven't.

A: What sports do you like?

B: I like playing football.

14 a) (Ss' om answers)

b) 1 C 2 F 3 B 4 H 5 A 6 G

o) (Suggested answers)

1    Tony likes hjs hobby because he like? fjnding thirtgs and it gives him hours of enjoyment.

2    Ss' own answers

3    collecting different objects: matchboxes, sunglasses, paper elips, thimbles, rocks, etc; dowslng: looking for water using a Y shaped rod; recording bird/animal sounds. etc

18 10    2 B 3 D 4 A 5F

II i) 1 c 2 a 3 d 4 b

b) (Suggested answers)

*    A: Now. then. What seems to be the


B. My ankle hurts terribly. I think l’ve •prained it.

A Hmm... Iet‘9 have a look at you. You might be right

B: Is it a bad sprain?

A We ceni be surę until we get it X-rayed to make surę it'a not broken. I'll ask the nurse to take you down to the X-ray room now.

B. Oh. alright. And what will happen after that?

A Wsi, then youl come back here and I II wrap it for you.

B OK Thank you doctor.

•    A Now, then. Whal seems to be the problem?

B My wrM hurts terribly I think IVe fractured It.

A: Hmm... lefs have a look at you. Yes. I think you're right.

B: Is It a bad fracture?

A: We can't be surę until we get it X-rayed. I'|| ask the nurse to take you down to the X-ray room now.

B; Oh. alright. And what will happen after that? A: Weil, then you'll come back here and l'll put your wrist in plaster for you.

B: OK. Thank you doctor.

17    a) 1 And what does that include?

2    And how much does membership cost?

3    By the way, do you have a professional available for lessons?

b) (Suggested answer)

A: Hello. We're interested in joining the gym.

Can you tell us what we have to do. please? B; Weil, you pay a joining fee and then there is an additional monthly fee.

A: And what does that include?

B: Daily access to all the equipment, including the pool and Jacuzzi.

A: And how much does the membership cost? B: lt's all in this brochure. Why don't you have a look and think about it?

A: Thank you. that's a good idea. By the way.

do you have fitness trainers?

B: We do have trainers, but there is an extra charge for the training sessions. You can read about that in the brochure, too.

A: Great. Thank you for your help.

18    A-2    B-4    C-1    D-3

19    B Accident at Main and Green

20 a) Tony Morris, 34, was driving a blue Ford Escort when he tumed the comer and crashed into a minibus travetting in the opposite direction. A passer-by who witnessed the accident said that the minibus had been moving at almost twice the legał speed limit.

A policeman at the scenę commented that the Street liohtina in the area was not ud to standard and that the council should expect morę aeddents in future.it they did not make improvements.

A man was seriously injured in a collision at the comer of Main Street and Green Road in Riverton late yesterday evening.

Mr Morris was on his way to meet friends in a restaurant when the accident happened. He is said to be makjng a guick recoyęry at Riyęrton County Hospita). The driver of the minibus escaped unharmed, but has been charged with dangerous drhring.

(Suggested answers)

'The minibus was moving at almost twice the legał speed limit,' said a passer-by who witnessed the accident.

um 50

The Street ligtiting in the area is not up to standard.

The council should expect morę accióents in futurę

if they don't make improvements,' commented a

policeman at the scene.

'He is making a quick recovery at Riverton

County Hospital,' a hospital spokesman said.

b) 1 The policeman sald that the boys were

lucky to be alive and that they had behaved very bravely.

2    The fire-fighter said that the tire could have been prevented and that people should be much morę careful.

3    Mrs Willis said that she was very grateful to the police for all their help and that they had been wonderful.

4    Miss Carter said that she thought she would never see her cat again, and that she wanted to give the children a reward.

5    Lady Hamilton said that the necklace was worth a fortunę and that she was very glad it was/had been found in one piece.

6    The policeman said that those men belonged behind bars and that they had caused an unbelievable amount of damage.

21    A-3 B -1    C-2

22    a) (Suggested answers)

. Clever Burglars Arrested at Last

Unit 10 - Spread the News

1 a) 2 earthquafce 3 ttoods 4 vcteano

b) (Suggested answers)

2    A Did you hear about the massńre

eadhquake «i LA?

B: No. what happened?

A: The paper says that twenty people are feared rrńssing or dead.

3    A Did you hear about the toods in ihe

Southern US?

8: No. what happened?

A The paper says Stał the roads ha»ę tumed into riyets.

4    A Did you hear about the vofcano eruuhng

on Montserrat?

B. No. what happened7 A: The paper says that local reśdants were forced to abandon arek homas

2 1

fire 2 water 3

winds 4 »

3 a)

1 intemational news

4 local news

2 entertainment

5 sports

3 business

6 horoscopes


ciassifieds, travel, food

4 1

script 3 cast

5 enjoyable


ending 4 plot

Para 1 Burglars were arrested tri the alley behind the electronics shop.

Paras 2-3 Names of the burglars. Information of how the incident happened. History of the burglars.

Para 4 Police comments

b) (Suggested answer)

Clever Burglars Arrested at Last

Two very clever burglars were arrested in the early hours of the moming. The incident occurred in the alley behind Pearson's Electronics Shop, in South Street.

Sam Murphy, 28, and Joe Harris. 30, had just finished loading a van with thousands of pounds worth of electronics eąuipment when they were surrounded by policeman.

The two men had been breaking into electronics and jewellery shops in the Forest City area for several months. They had continuousty eluded police by cleverty disarming alarms and changing getaway vehicles.

Captain Green of the police department said that they had been on the burglars' trail for some time now and that they had only been waiting for the right moment to catch them in the act.













' l

(Suggested answers)

You mustn t worry about Ben. He l', be fine at camp Is Mark capable of fwmg the dnpęwng «p?

I cant get used to wakingupso early for my new Job. My piane ticket is vatłd for six months.

I'd like to exchange this red sweater tor the btue one. please.






9 MOUGti





10 ears

















vabd 8









3 a

5 a

7 a



4 b

6 b

8 b




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