268 (43)
Dress Accessońes

153 Top, waste from manufacture of mounts;
bottom, five mounts with sprue still attached
Podobne podstrony:
333 (43) 306 Dress Accessories colours represented (nos. 1493, 1498, 1514 and 1524), were analysed b296 (37) 268 Dress Accessońes Brooches with circular frames Leaf 1374 BC72 2037 (83) 11 fig 174 Poss339 (31) 312 Dress Accessońes 207 Bonę beads - top left; waste - top right; waste panels - below(1:1387 (12) 360 Dress Accessońes 240 Openwork Iead-tin mirror cases (photograph 2:1, drawings 1:1)389 (12) 362 Dress Accessońes i 1716 r 1717 241 Top and bottom left, cast copper alloy mirror cases;395 (13) 368 Dress Accessońes 245 Antler composite combs with copper alloy rivets nos. 1719-20 and t403 (10) 376 Dress Accessońes only 6d per lb (Staniland 1986, 240). The painting and gilding of boxw(podpis posiadacza dyplomu) Nr dyplomu (podpis posiadacza dyplomu) 268.43. POLITECHNIKA274 (42) Dress Accessońes 246 1078 805 1095 (A) mounts with fields of dots (1:1) (276 (40) 248 Dress Accessońes because no indication has been recognized on them of the wearer’s adhe278 (40) 250 Dress Accessories 1314 1311 SWA81 2186 (2055) 9 fig 160 Corroded284 (41) 256 Dress Accessońes Hooked annular brooch Copper alloy 1338 SWA81 acc. no. 1493 (context286 (34) 258 Dress Accessońes 166 Pentagonal, hexagonal and six-lobed brooches -odginał shapes resto292 (37) 264 Dress Accessories 1365 171 Yiolet brooches (drawings 1:1, photograph 2:1) (?)flower bud298 (39) 270 Dress Accessories Table 5 Brooches - metals used 1 1 Copper i i 2 I I I -1-1—[— 1 1 1302 (41) 274 Dress Accessońes buttons of the former kind, found in Lund in Sweden). Composite sheeti304 (37) 276 Dress Accessońes slightly damaged (an impressed dot here may not be an original feature306 (35) 180 180 278 Dress Accessońes Cloth buttons and corresponding holes on a sleeve from a depos308 (39) 280 Dress Accessońes late 13th century onwards. The alloys used in buttons prior to that cowięcej podobnych podstron