296 (37)
Dress Accessońes
Brooches with circular frames
1374 BC72 2037 (83) 11 fig 174 Possible brooch; two separate parts: slightly oval, hollow-backed frame (maximum d 88mm - probably distorted from an original circle), with bevelled inner and outer edges; the main motif on the raised band along the frame is a series of raised bosses, each in a circle and flanked by pairs of dots; a beaded border is surrounded on the inner bevel by two concentric raised, stepped rings; the outer bevel has opposed plain and cross-hatched triangles, and a beaded border; on the reverse, a broken stub diametrically opposite a retaining clip is presumably the remains of a pin or hook; in the centre, a separate, solid, broad-leaf with a fiat back and deeply divided lobes has veining, and an undulating surface at the front to suggest natural curling; the stem is beaded along both sides, and broadens out at the base, where it is attached to the frame by a blob of solder; the reverse of the leaf retains patches of a dark coating that is visually similar to the

174 Top, leaf brooch with circular frame bottom, woman’s head in circular frame (1:1)
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