medium k>m. and pal* plnk and I hall each ao4d. Ilghl K*e. and oeangc. Wbrfc wlth Iherad double Try ahimlnum hook mc E and check gangn

SECTION A: Ros«: Stertiny al doi on ras* |st* Dlo gram). willi medium duity rot*. ch 2

Ul tml: Mnkfl sc in 2nd ch frcm hook. si tl Iii flrtltc Mach beg of «ach ind willi sakły pin 2ml mdi Ch3. * tc in rwsi sc, eh ł Repfrcm * bliimrs moro, sl ul In 2nd di ci starang ch 3 3rd rnd * In rerach 1 sp werk tc. ch 3. and sc. di 3 Rep liom * aicunil <1 tl In (IfM K (li dl-3 tpl 4lh md: G» 1. • tc In noxt sp, di 3 Rep hom * aioumi dum Hm tc 116 sp)

5lh rod: Rep 4rh mit Piani pn marker on r.cxt to Isa* ch-*p mxkt Break od. Clnic thould meałure 2'Y *cnx& lit row: Wthsame uleiadngyou and wrri burgundy form Ip on liook and sc In tass ch3 tp on 5lh md. (di 3. *t In iwkI tpl 11 cmet (4 sp Irfl unworkedli place llumad marker Iii ncxl ip. cli L tURV 2nd niw: Sc in lir« tp, Ich 3. tc ln nert jp) 3 ttmes Ich 3. >c In same ip as last x workeid) 3 llniei, * (ch 3, sc ln ncat tpl tutce: (ch 3. se in tamę tpas Insi sc uoikcd) 3 lunet Rep Inim * coce moro: (di 3, tc m nric! sp) 3 cmes (19 tp); ch 1. tum

3td row: Sc In Dni tp * ch 3. tc In nc*t tp Rep hom

*    acrrnt (1 9 ćccraatcćl: ch 1. tum

4th through 9th row*: Rep 3rd rew b Cmct mora. orriltingth-1 on Last row 112 tpl, Break od

1 Oth rosa- Wch same ode facing you nnd wnh medium duav rotę. tc »i sanie tp as p'n marker Wbrklng ałong outer eikjr ul buiyundy sts, (ch 3. son nexl tpl 29 tmei. cndlng willi sc ln sp irutkcd willi thieod '129 sp). ch I lum Remów markera

I Uh mw: Sc In fint sp, Ich 3. sc n ncxt tpl 6 tmet

*    ch & tc ln 3rd ch Imm hook. tc in «ach o( iw«t 2 ch, hdc di each ol noxl 2 dl, dc In each ot nexl 2 ch. sc m tam* ctł-3 tp |ch 3. tc In nos tpl 4 Irmei Rep hom * 4 timo morę. enting kul rep (di 3. « In next sp) 6 amei Mark Iml tp Btwk uff Tum.

12lh row: Wlh burgundy tc xi marfced tp (di 3. tc m nexi tpl 5 Sun: * ch 3. tk rvexl tc and 2 dc, uork sc. ch 3 and sc iii next hdc. ch 3. tk nexl 3 as. wotk sc, ch 3. nnd tc In lip, ch 3. th ncxl 3 tls. work tc ch 3 and tc ln bose cif not hdc. ch 3. tk riext 2 dc and n«xlsc, sc In next sp, Ich 3. sc In nex! *p| 3 hmes Rep liom * 4 limes rrore, *ni8ng latl rep Ich 3. sc In nexl sp) 5 tmet: cli l tum

13lh niw: Sc in hu tp. Ich 3. tc ln nexl sp) 3 nrnct.

*    dl 3. tk not tp sc in Icflowmg tp. Ich 3. tc »i n*xl tpl 3 Bme* ch 3. sc in same tp lip) (ch 3. tc In next sp) 3 limes, ch 3. tk n«xl tp tc In fodowtng sp. Rep Irom * 4 limes more: Ich 3, tc tn next tp) 3 tmtei: ch l. lum Rn

maiw market

14lli row: Sc ki trtt sp, Ich 3. sc m not tpl 71

*    ch 3 « In tamo sp ot koi sc. (ch 3. *r In nett s;l ornet. ch 3. tk nexl sp. sc In nexl sc. ch 3. tk rwxt tp ■ in IrJfawing sp. (di 3 sc In nexl sp) 3 tniet Rep Wi 3 oma more ch 3. tc in tam* tp &i Lut tc. (ch 3. tc) nocl tpl 7 limeK ch l, tum.

15lh row: Sc ln łnt tp ch 3. tk nexl ip, w hi liduAft sp, (ch 3. tc In nexl tpl 5 Smitf; * ch 3, sc In same ip o luil sc. (ch 3. tc In iwx! tp| 3 limes ch 3. sk nexl x>. »c» ned tc, ch 3, tk nexl sp. k In (odcwing tp, (ch 3. K l ncxl tp) 3 nrnes Rep Srom * 3 limes morw, ili i x: same tp os latl sc Irnark llils sp lor irtl pelal tp). (di3 tc In neei tpl 5 amer. ch 3. sk ncxt tp. tc In kikwUrij q Break cB: tum. Row is complelad

Are« 1: Ul row: Slartr>3 al Pp ol tnl pelal. irther-onge. uork tc »i marked tp. (ch 3, tc in nekl tpl Mfc* <‘ 3. dc In next tp. tk mtxl sp. Ir in neu sc. sk nexl tp, d: I nexl tp. Ich 3. K In ncxl sp) .1 Bmes Hat! tc madę it h ( o( nevl pelal). ch 1 lum

2nd row: Sc In lin! tp. Ich 3. »c «i ii»l tpl tmci i nuxl dc. Ir and de. Ich 3, sc ln nexi tpl 3 utnes: ch 1 un

3rd row: Sc In llrss sp * ch 3. ten nexl tp Rep fnt

*    ocroii. ch 1. lum

Mi tlirouflh 5th ro»t: Rep 3rd row tatce m;w

6th row: Sc in lira* tp. ch 3. tc In n»xt sp Bnat d Tum

Arca 2: Fcdowing Diagram, wlth darh gram *':<! * for Arw* 1. darfirg at Bp of ncxi pelal on Rot* M>ik as tp worfccd

Arca 3: Wili dark gteen, uork at lor Aren 1. tlirtrj al lip ol n*xi pelal

Aren 4; Willi goU. uork *t lor Ania 1, Kartr/j al -r. cl next pelal.

Ar«« 5: Ul row: Wili dark gwen, wutk »c In nidad sp on Arca 2. * ch 3. sc In n*x! tp. Rep tmm * jkt* U itsi sp worked on Anra 3 (11 tpL di 1. tum

2nd row: Sc in fint tp. • ch 3. *c in neu tp Rept

*    aciots: ch 1. lutu Rep 2nd row 9 Biret morę. uilh l tp Rrwtkoff

Ania 6: ltl row: Wlth tatrę t«ł* laOrę) yau and » fcluc. werk nciOM lep ol Rot« at fdlowt: Śc in tp «t| rtllhłpelal (In tamę sp wlth tc cif Arca 4). * di 3. tc In reil tp Rep bom * noct& eiudmg willi lnu ec ln tp a: l. Icfl pelal 127 tpl. Mnik Ihft tldc as Hęhl ol piece cń t, lum Rep 2nd iowof Aroa 5. 26 Bmes. endlng -di 1« Mark tp al each end of lCfch iw Break n*

SECTION B: Hot*; Werk Rcoe m same <iknt * ta


Area 1: Wlb iWk gwn, uork as far Ania 1 co £« lico A Mark Uu sp wixkcd Aren 2: Wth dnrk gracn. work M lor Aren l.


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