I | I ith this gorgeous design [ I I hanging in your home you W can embrace the happy vibe of the 60s and 70s without going anywhere near cheesecloth or incense. We’ve had ours stitched on 20 count evenweave to get a chunkier, softer feel, but you can work yours on any kind of fabric you like. Just remember that ifyou go for a higher count the finał design will eonie out smaller, so do sonie quick niaths belbre you start just to make surę you get the result you want. Unpickings a drag, man.
DON’T have any morę wali space? Tum your design into a cushion instead! Attach it to a ready-made plain cushion case or make onef rom scratch if you’re feeling adventurous.
JDesigned by: Felicity Hall Design size: 30.5x32.5cm
Stitch time: 35 łiours
3256/5045 from.
Rustic painted frame
3r stockist details see
■’ ^8x48cm Wiilow Fabrics)