F.XPLA \A TIONS: LARGF. PETA ES (5): On a basc chain of 31 eh. make 2 limes: (I eh. I dc). 3 times (1 eh.
I tr). 4 times (I eh. I dc). 3 times (I eh. I tr). 2 times (I eh. I dc). I eh. I sl st. in the last eh of the basc. 2n<l I2ih row: Rep.: I dc. I eh
according to the drassing inc.. then dcc. To incrcasc. hook 2 dc in the same hole or make 4 eh. and for the dcc., join tog. 2 dc and procccd according to the drawing. Surround the pełals with a round of sc and lease about 20 cm (7 3/4 in.) of yarn.
SMALI. A\l) MF.im M PETAI.S: Work according to the drawing on a basc of 23 and 21 eh. Make 5 pctals no. both si/es.
MATERIALS: 10 g of pink yarn no. 30; crochct hook no. 22 (F.ngltsh no. 5. Internationa) no. 1.00): 20 cm (28 in.) of metal thread.
DIAMETER OF THE FLOWER: 8 cm (3 1/4 in.).


n.OWEK BA SE: Isl round: In a loop formcd with the end of the yarn. make 5 eh. 17 dhl.tr. 2nd round: Rep. 6 times: 5 eh. 2 quad.tr. I picot of
3 eh. 2 quad.tr. 5 eh. I sc .
JOtSISG: Starch the petals and fold the edges toward the outside. First join 2 smali petals with the metal thread placmg them one on top of the other. then surround them with 3 oiher smali petals passing the metal thread through the basc of each pctal, Procccd in the same way for the 5 medium and large petals. Pass all the metal yarns in the middlc of the flower ha\e. glue the lattcr. then wind the yarn around the metal thread whtch is curs cd into a ring. The bcg. of the stem is attachcd in the flower basc

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