A Practical Guide to Feline Dermatology

Stemphyllium spp. 5.1,7.8 Stereotypie behaviour 17.1, 17.2 Stomatitis 12.2

Streptococcus spp. 1.9, 6.3,6.10,7.8 Subcutaneous mycosis 5.1-2,7.6,12.8 Substance P 17.1 Sulphadiazine 6.2, 6.3,12.9 Sulphamethoxazole, 6.3, 6.2 Sulpiride 17.9 Sun 4.2

Superficial necrolytic dermatitis 14.2 Supracaudal organ 1.7 Surface hydrolipid film 1.7, 1.9 Sweat glands 1.7,15.11,16.2

Systemie disease (dermatological manifestations of) 2.3, 14.1-10 Systemie mycosis 5.4-11,7.6,12.8,21.2,21.4, 22.8


Tabby 1.7 Tachycardia 17.4 Tachypnoea 17.4 Tape strip 2.14 Telogen effluvium 14.2,19.6 Tetracycline 6.2,6.7 Thrombocytopenia 2.4 Thymoma 14.4, 20.2 Tongue 12.2

Topical corticosteroids 13.7 Toxocara cati 10.2 Transferrin 1.9

Transmission 2.2, 3.4,4.6, 4.11, 19.2, 18.4,20.2,25.1-7

Tretinoin 6.6

Triamcinolone 10.6

Trichorrexis nodosa 19.6

Trichogram 2.12-14,17.8

Trichophyton spp. 4.1,4.8

Trimethoprim 6.2, 12.9

Trioxazine 17.9

Trombicula autumnalis 3.7 (see also trombiculiasis) Trombiculiasis 3.4-8, 18.2 Tuberculosis 25.4 Tumour

cutaneous 15.1-14, 21.2,21.4 intemal 14.1, 14.4 panereatie 14.2 TurkishVan 1.8

Tympanic membranę 22.1,22.8 Typhus 8.1 Tyrosinase 16.5



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