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A Practical Guide to Feline Dermatology

Alternaria spp. 5.1,7.8 Aluminium hyroxide 15.6 Amelanoses 16.4-6 Amikacin 6.7 Amitraz 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.8 Amoxycillin 6.2, 12.9, 13.1 Amphotericin B 5.2, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10 Ampicillin 6.3

Antibiotic sensitivity 2.16, 6.10, 6.11 Antibiotic therapy 6.3,7.2,6.10,6.11, 12.9 Antibiotics 6.2

Antihistamines 9.6,10.7,11.6 Antinuclear antibody test 13.6, 21.5, 24.8 Anxiety 17.2,17.6,17.8-10 Anxiolytics 17.9 Archaeopsylla erinacei 3.10-11 Asthma 10.2 Ataxia 15.11

Atopic dermatitis 10.1-8, 18.4, 20.2,21.2 aetiopathogenesis 10.1 clinical features 10.2 diagnosis 10.4 treatment 10.6

Atopy (see allergy and atopic dermatitis)

Atrophy 2.6,14.8 Aural haematoma 3.2 Aurothioglucose 13.6

Auto-immune dermatoses 13.1-7,14.6,14.8,20.4, 21.2,21.4 Auto-immunity (see auto-immune dermatoses)


Bacillary angiomatosis 25.6 Bacterial culture 2.16 Bacteriology 22.8

Bartonella henselae (see cat scratch disease)

Basal celi tumour 15.4 Basement membranę 1.2,15.1 Basophils (in-vitro degranulation) 10.4 Beef meat 11.1

Behavioural disorders 17.1-11,18.4 Behavioural therapy 17.10 Benzodiazepines 17.9 Benzoyl peroxide 6.6 Bipolońs spp. 5.1, 7.8 Biopsy 2.16

Birman 2.2, 16.2,19.2,24.8

Bite 5.4,6.1,6.10,17.2

Blastomyces dermatidis (see blastomycosis)

Blastomycosis 5.9-10, 25.2

Bleach 4.10

Blepharitis 11.2,16.2

Botryomycosis 6.10-11

Bowen’s disease (see sąuamous celi carcinoma in situ) Bulimia 17.4 Bulla 2.4

Bullous pemphigoid 13.1-2, 21.4 aetiopathogenesis 13.1

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