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A Practical Guide to Feline Dermatology

Herpesvirus infections

Dermatological manifestations of herpesvirus infections (feline herpesvirus 1) have long been described in the cat. Signs are characterised by a facial and nasal dermatitis (Fig. 7 : 25) involving vesicles, ulcers and crusts, and stomatitis44. Histopathological examination of biopsies reveals necrotic, ulcerative and crusting lesions, along with a mainly eosinophilic dermal infiltration and intranuclear amphophilic inclusion bodies in keratinocytes and follicular outer root sheath epithelial cells (Figs 7 : 26-28). The nuclei of these cells exhibit margination of chromatin and the cytoplasm assumes a foamy appearance. Orał lesions are identical but with some degree of hyperplasia. Ultrastructural examination has enabled the isolation of viral nucleocapsids (100-125 nm) compatible with a herpesvirus. Amplification PCR techniąues have documented the existence of herpesvirus I within lesions44.

A dermatosis compatible with herpesvirus-associated erythema multiforme has recently been reported in the cat 4\ Skin signs appeared 10 days after the classic signs of a herpesvirus infection (respiratory signs and conjunctivitis) and involved a generalised erosive and exfoliative dermatosis (Figs 7:29-32). Histopathological examination of biopsies revealed massive parakeratotic hyperkeratosis, isolated necrotic keratinocytes and lymphocytic satellitosis. The illness seemed to resolve favourably within a few weeks.


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