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Car designers


Putting on the style

Designers are the rock stars of the car industry

f r^he people who design what a I car looks like are morę

I A important than ever to the suceess of the world's big car ■ companies. We live in a designer world, and the car designers are at its heart, because they work with the most expensive consumer goods that i most people ever buy. These designers I are different from other industrial designers, because they are all mad about cars.

Today, designers can make or break car companies. Car makers all use almost the same technology and engineering skills, so the fbcus is on 1 what the car looks like. This interest in design iSinot new, but it is even morę important now dian it was in the past

In the 1980s, all modem cars were beginning to loOfe the same. The manufacturers* main aim was to make cars stronger, safer and morę economical. The designers* aim was to make cars that did not displease people. Now designers can be morę adventurous. In a competitive market car bosses want models that stand out So what makes a winning design? ■$$pft    word

łemotion5 j^hen jjfJlptbing what makes %śuccessful model They agree that    communicates something important about the car. Some designers think that it can also communicate something • about the person who is driving the car. So it is no surprise that the new car designers look as glamorous as rock stars. They know that you have to create a good impression in person as well as on the road.

Language check Q Complete the tablę.



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1 ^^SayćnturoUś *

morę adventuroue

most adventurous -



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the most competitive

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”jhe highest |

morę popular


the safest

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phore sensible

13 strong.

Unit 4 ■ 17


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