Sam Buxton o.i5mm-thick hard-rolled stainless Steel Folded:8x8x8cm (3'/«x3'/«x3’/.in) WorldwideCo., UK
The Mikro'series developedfroma business card that Sam Buxton designed. Wantingtoshowhis work directly from his pocket, this card transformed from fiat item intoa3Dobject that could be kept The process he uses is mdustrial acid etching. Commonly used in the electronics industry, it allows Sam to manufactureathigh volume while also achieving fine detailing. The stainless Steel sheet stays rigid when folded.
Xavier Lust
Driadę SpA, Italy
Magazineand firewood rack, Kanto
Pancho Nikander Birchoroak veneer H: 56.5cm (22 ’/,in) W:34cm(i3>/8in)
D: 28.3cm (nin)
Artek, Finland
Joe Steiner 420 D Nylon with TPU coating H (inflated): 25cm (9 -/sin) l (inflated): I20cm(47in) W (inflated): 72cm (283/«m) Fun-care AG, Switzerland
The Airboard' weighsoriy
2.70 kilograms (6 pounds), yethas the same control asapair ofskis andhas given rise to its own sport - snów body-boarding. Users lie chest down, reaching speedsofup tci26kilometres(78 miles)anhour,shifting theirbodyweightonto underside profile runners tochangedirectionor stop (hopefully).