Conseryation ethic: it is good, a social duty, to preserve the past

(Lipę 1977; Lowenthal and Binney

(eds.) 1981; Cleere (ed.) 1984)





Ecortomic walue {Lipę 1984, pp.7-9; Fowler 1981, p,66)

Aesthetic value beauty, inspiration (Lipę 1984, p.7; Clark 1972, p.254;

Daniel 1962, pp.169~70; Lowenthal 1981, p. 14}

Symbolic value tbeauthentie past a tangible link witb the past (Lipc 1984, p.4; Lowenthal 1981, p.10)

Proyides involvement in a larger, tlifferent world (Lipc 1984, p.10; Fritz 1973, pp.7B-9 Fowler 1981, p.67)

Entertainrnent (Clark 1972, p.252; Daniel 1962)

'We' need a past (Lipę 1984, p.5; McGimsey 1972, p,5)

The process of acpuiring knowledge is edueational (Clark 1972, pp.253-4; Fritz 1973, pp.75f.)

r...............    .

Arehaeology as ideology is a part of the present: it reveals the historical contextuality of rationality

(Hodder 1984, p.30!

The applicatlon of 'reason' is 'natural'

(Clark 1970, p.4; Fowler 1977, p.28 Flannery 1982, p,272)

We can understand the present IRathje 19811

Knowledge relevant to a scientific society (Fritz and Plog 1970, pp.411-12; Deetz 1968, p.48; Fritz 1973)




A tangible link with the past proyides continuity and stability (Lipc 1984, pp.5, 9-10; Lowenthal 1981, p.11)

Instrumental reason 'We' can learn from the past and control the present (Fritz 1973. pp.75-82; Ford 1973, pp.90-3; Lipę 1977, p.23)

'We' just want to know wfiat happened

(Flannery 1982, p.272; Daniel 1962, pp. 168-62 Trigger 1984, pp.293~4)


an authentic tangible past brings communai identity -our country's past

(Clark 1972, pp.256-61; Ford 1973pp.85L; Fowler 1977, p.32; cf. Lipę 1984, p,7; Ford 1973, pp.87f.; Home 1984; Rowlands 1984)

It is 'our' past

'we' have a common human identity (Lipę 1984, p,10; Clark 1972, pp.261-4; Clark 1970, pp.47-52; Daniel 1962; pp.165-70; Trigger 1978, p.35; Ford 1973, pp.89f.)

'We' can learn from history's message

The present is in decline cultural achievement dependson social hierarchy (Clark 1979, 1983)

Fig. l.l Some justiłlcations for arehaeology.


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