38 (270)

38 (270)

PzKpfw B2(F) z Ochotniczej Dywizji Górskiej SS „Prinz Eugcn, 1943 rok. A PzKpfw B2(F) tank from the SS-Frewilligen Gebirgs Division “Prinz Eugen ” in 1943.

Czołgi PzKpfw B2 (F) zostały zgrupowane w kompaniach: na froncie wschodnim w 223. Panzer Kompanie, na froncie zachodnim 100. Panzer Brigade, 213. Panzer Abteilung, 224. Panzer Kompanie, zaś w Jugosławii czołgi PzKpfw B2 (F) trafiły do SS-Freiwilligen Gebirgs Division „Prinz Eugen".

The units equipped with armoured personnel carriers Sd Kfz 251/16 had a different organisational structure. These vehicles were allocated to Stabskompanie Panzer Grenadier Regiment or to the staff company of an armoured grenadier battalion armed with armoured personnel carriers. Six armoured personnel carriers Sd Kfz 251/16 were grouped in the staff company platoon. The organisational structure of the platoon was specified by reg-ulation KStN 1130, dated August 1, 1943. On November 1,

1943,    the subordination was changed: the platoon was incorpo-rated into the staff company. The regulation KStN 1118 Ausf B, dated April 1 and November 1, 1944, introduced further changes: the platoon was incorporated into the engineer company as the 4th Platoon.

Originally, only the armoured grenadier regiments eąuipped with personnel carriers were to include platoons of Sd Kfz 251/16. Later, it was decided that each armoured division should have such a platoon within its structures. Until the middle of

1944,    the Germans managed to form half of the planned units of this type.

Flammpanzer 38(t) tanks were incorporated into two independent companies of tanks with flame throwers, the so-called Flammpanzer Kompanie (the 352nd and 353rd Company). Moreover, it is worth mentioning that according to Hitler’s order, issued on November 27, 1944, the 351 st Company was formed. However, it was-eąuipped with PzKpfw III (FI) Sd Kfz 141/3 flame thrower tanks.

PzKpfw B2 (F) tanks were grouped in the following companies: the 223rd Panzer Kompanie on the East, and the lOOth Panzer Brigade, the 213th Panzer Abteilung, 224th Kompanie

Transporter Sd Kfz 251/16 Ausf. C z miotaczami płomieni podczas ćwiczeń, Niemcy w 1943 roku. ASdKfz 251/16 Ausf C vehicle anne with flame throwers seen during the monoeuvres in Germany in 1943. [ADM]



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