38 (99)

38 (99)

Non-stick cookware

To remove stains from non-stick surfaces. pour a solution of 225ml/1 cup water. 2 tablespoons baking soda into a pan, simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. Do not allow mixture to boil or to boil over the side of the pan. Wash in hot water. rinse and dry. Apply a light coating of cooking oil.


Oven - General cleaning


To remove grease and grime and cooking spills from inside your oven. make a pastę of 225ml/1 cup white distilled vinegar and 30g/ 1/4 cup of powdered laundry detergent. Heat your oven for five minutes at 350 degrees and turn off. Spread the pastę around the oven, applying it morę heavily to very greasy areas. Leave pastę on for an hour. then use a plastic spatula to gently scrape the dirt away.

Odours - Neutralize Chemical odours

If you choose to clean your oven with Chemical cleaners. keep your freshly-cleaned oven from stinking up your house next time you cook something, by wiping it with white distilled vinegar poured directly on the sponge as a finał rinse. It neutralizes the harsh alkali of oven cleaners.

Oven - Odour removal

Stop unpleasant cooking odours from permeating through the house whilst cooking. Boil 225ml/1 cup of white distilled vinegar with 450ml/2 cups of water in a pan on the hob. Leave boiling until the liquid is almost gone.

Oven - Ovemight cleaning

Youll need baking soda, water: vegetable oil-based liquid soap. Sprinkle water on the oven bottom. Cover with baking soda and let it sit overnight. Wipe off and apply liquid soap with scouring pad. Rinse.

Oven - Prerent bttild up of grease in ocen

Dip a sponge or cloth in fuli strength white distilled vinegar and wipe down all sides of the oven to prevent a greasy build up.


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