397 (13)

397 (13)


Dress Accessońes

piąte were held securely in position (fig 247). A further feature of this composite comb is the pronounced concave outline of both grades of teeth, which is rare among double-sided combs of this period.

It can, therefore, be seen that composite combs of antler lingered on in use in London throughout the 12th and early 13th centuries, during which period fresh styles were introduced, probably from the continent.


1721 BC72 no. acc. 3410 (context 250) ceramic phase 10 fig 245

Fragment of double-sided comb with guidelines scored in pairs for both sets of teeth on both faces; h 45mm; 9 fine: 2 coarse teeth per lOmm.

A hom comb from a deposit of the early 14th-century (ceramic phase 10) is double-sided (no. 1721, fig 245) but unlike those from London dating from the lOth to the middle of the 12th centuries no bonę side-plates were added. Also unlike earlier combs, the end that is preserved, albeit only in part, appears to have been cut to a geometrie pattern. This corresponds to the omate ends that can be observed on a number of contemporary wooden combs (nos. 1729-32), and illustrates how stylistically similar combs madę from different raw materials tended to be in the 14th century. Indeed the practice of aping the appearance of combs madę from morę costly materials caused regulations to be issued in Paris in 1324 forbidding bonę combs to be produced in imitation of ivory ones so that customers would not be defrauded (de Lespinasse 1892, 672).


(Wood identifications by Rowena Gale - RG, and Jane Sąuirrell - JPS)

Convex ends

1722 SWA81 acc. no. 1417 (context 2187) ceramic phase 6 fig 248

Buxus sp. (RG). End fragment, two grooves along both faces of solid zonę; h 56mm; 10 fine : 2 coarse teeth per lOmm.

1723 SWA81 1355 (2207) 6 fig 248 Buxus sp. (RG). End fragment, two grooves along both faces of solid zonę; h 60mm; 10 fine : 3-4 coarse teeth per lOmm.

1724    BC72    4830    (250)    10

Buxus sp. (RG). End fragment, incised linę along centre of solid zonę on both faces; h 74mm; 9 fine : 3-4 coarse teeth per lOmm.

1725    BC72    4851    (250)    10    fig 248

Buxus sp. (RG). End fragment, incised linę along centre of solid zonę on both faces; h 92mm; 9 fine : 3 coarse teeth per lOmm.

247 X-ray of antler double-sided comb, MoL acc. no. A1598 (1:1)


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