4 73
Figurę 4-73 Teaching diaphragmatic breathing with Client supine: (A) rib cage neutral, (B) rib cage expandedf (C) middle ab-domen neutral, (D) middle abdomen expanded, (E) lower abdomen neutral, (F) lower abdomen expanded (Draping option #2)
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4 73 Figurę 4-73 Teaching diaphragmatic breathing with Client supine: (A) rib cage neutral, (B) rib4 74 Figurę 4-74 Teaching diaphragmatic breathing with Client standing or seated, with the therapist4 74 Figurę 4-74 Teaching diaphragmatic breathing with client standing or seated, with the therapist8 8 Figurę 8-8 Compression of psoas major with Client standing bent forward (Draping: underwear or s9 37 Figurę 9-37 Stripping of adductors with Client side-lying, lower leg straight (Draping option 19 38 Figurę 9-38 Stripping of adductors with Client side-lying, up-per leg straight iDraping option3 47 Figurę 3-47 Stripping of scalenes with Client seated4 55 Figurę 4-55 Client supine for breathing assessment: (A) para-doxical inhalation, (B) diaphragma4 63 Figurę 4-63 Fascial work on the chest (6) with Client in sidely-ing position: (A) starting posi9 33 Figurę 9-33 Stripping of adductor magnus and longus with thumb, Client supine, leg straight, hi9 35 Figurę 9-35 Stripping of adductor brevis and longus with thumb, Client supine, hip abducted andfig16ii Figurę 16-ii Birka coatdecorated with braid from grave 735Document 8 (2) Figurę 2.9: A 21-year-old man with Klinefelter s syn-drome (47,XXY). Notę the lack ofFigurę 2.9: A 21-year-old man with Klinefelter s syn-drome (47,XXY]. Notę the lack of secondary hair68 (121) 6: Bacterial dermatoses Figurę6:9: Ulceratednodular lesion ina cat with leprosy (courtesy oUsing Client Programs in a MultipleServer Environment To connect with a Client program to a MySQL se29 (352) 2: Diagnostic approach Figurę 2:17: Sclerosis in a cat with morphea (courtesy of E. Bensign53 (169) 5 : Deep mycoses Figurę 5 :2 : Nasal nodule in a cat with phaeohyphomycosis Figurę 5:1: Ulcwięcej podobnych podstron