29 (352)

29 (352)

2: Diagnostic approach

Figurę 2:17: Sclerosis in a cat with morphea (courtesy of E. Bensignor)*

Figurę 2 :18: Atrophy in a cat with iatrogenic Cushings Syndrome

Figurę 2:19: Erosions and excoriations on the pinna ofa cat withfood intolerance

Figurę 2 :20: Extensive ulceration in a cat with acquired hyperfragility syndrome

Figurę 2:21: Large crusts and pus on the pinna of a cat with pemphigus foliaceus

Figurę 2:22: Punctate crusts in a cat with miliary dermatitis associated with flea allergy

Figurę 2 :23 : Lichenification, hyperpigmentation and erosions on the lateral pinna ofa cat with atopic dermatitis

* Bensignor, E.. Pin, D. & Carlotti, D. N. J. smali Anim. Prąci. 39,538-540 (1998).

Figurę 2 :24: Comedones and follicular casts on the chin ofa cat with Malassezia dermatitis



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