95 (100)

95 (100)

9 : Flea allergy dermatitis

Figurę 9:9: Extensive eosinophilic plaques in a cat with FAD

Figurę 9 :10: Linear granuloma in a cat with FAD

Figurę 9 :11: Ctenocephalides felis felis biting a man    Figurę 9:12: Hypersensitivity to the bites of Ctenocephalides felis felis

on a lady’s legs - many papules are present (courtesy ofR. Rzeznik)

Figurę 9:14 : Fleafaeces on a Persian cat with FAD

Figurę 9:13: Hypersensitmty to the bites of Ctenocephalides felis felis on the arms of a child - many papules are present (courtesy of R. Rzeznik)

Figurę 9 :15: Microscopic appearance offleafaeces (x 40)

Figurę 9 : 16 : lntradermal reactions to whole body extracts of Ctenocephalides felis felis. Notę the similar size ofthe positive reaction at 20 minutes (erythematous papule, P) and the positive control (histaminę, H)



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