68 (121)
6: Bacterial dermatoses
Figurę6:9: Ulceratednodular lesion ina cat with leprosy (courtesy of P.lhrke)
Figurę 6:10: Multiple nodules, becoming ulcerated in a cat with leprosy (courtesy of O. Cozette)
Figurę 6 :11 : Leprosy: diffuse, granulomatous dermatitis (many macrophages and giant cells are present) in a cat with feline leprosy (HES stain, x 100) (courtesy of O. Cozette)
Figurę 6 :12 : Leprosy: very large numbers of intracellular, acid-fast bacilli in macrophages and giant cells (Ziehl-Neelsen stain, x 1000) (courtesy of O. Cozette)
Figurę 6 :14: Multiple fistulous sores in a cat with actinomycosis
Figurę 6 :13 : Digital ulcers in a cat with nocardiosis (courtesy ofT. Olivry)
hm Wwtów
Figurę 6:15: Digital ulcers with yellow grains in a cat with botryomycosis
Figurę 6:16: Botryomycosis: pyogranulomatous dermatitis, within which are bacterial colonies surrounded by a Splendore-Hoeppli reaction
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