Figurę 7:9:Skinnecrosisofthepretemporalregion ina cat withfeline infectious peritonitis
Figurę 7:10: Same cat as in figurę 7:9- notę skin necrosis around anus and genitals
Figurę 7:11: Hyperkeratotic plaques on the nasal płanum ofa cat with multicentric squamous carcinoma in situ (Bowen ’s disease) (courtesy of E. Bensignor)
Figurę 7 : 12 : Immunohistochemistry - notę papillomavirus antigens within keratinocytes (x 250) (multicentric squamous celi carcinoma in situ) (AEC stain) (courtesy ofS. Leclercq)
Figurę 7:13: Scaling and crusting on the face of a cat with a giant celi dermatosis associated with FeLV infection (courtesy of D.W. Scott)
Figurę 7:14: Same cat as in figurę 7: 13 - notę scaling and crusting on the trunk (courtesy of D.W. Scott)
Figurę 7 : 15 : Histopathology - notę many apoptotic keratinocytes f—►) (giant celi dermatosis) (H &E,x 250) (courtesy ofD.W. Scott)
Figurę 7:16 : Histopathology - notę keratinocytic giant cells (—►) (giant celi dermatosis) (H &E,x 250) (courtesy of D.W. Scott)