27 (384)
2: Diagnostic approach
Figurę 2 :11: Multiple dermal nodules in a cal with cryptococcosis
Figurę 2 :12 : Dermal nodules, some of which are ulcerated, in a cat with multicentric sebaceous adenocarcinoma
Figurę 2 :13 : Pytiriasiform scalę and crust in a cat with flea allergy dermatitis and dermatophytosis caused by Microsporum canis
Figurę 2:14: Psoriasiform scalę in a cat with cutaneous epitheliotropic T celi lymphoma
Figurę 2:15: Psoriasiform scalę in a cat with paraneoplastic exfoliative dermatitis (courtesy ofT. Oliwy and C. Rivierre)
Figurę 2 : 16 : Epidermal collarette in a cat with discoid lupus erythematosus
* Guaguere, E„ Hubert, B. & Delabre, C. Vet. Dermatol. 3,1-12 (1992).
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