Figurę 22:1: Parasitic erythemato-ceruminous otitis caused by Otodectes cynotis: notę the dry, brown, blackish cerumen
Figurę 22:2: Non-parasitic erythemato-ceruminous otitis in a European domestic cat with atopic dermatitis: notę the erythematous and erosive lesions on the medial pinna
Figurę 22:3: Suppurative otitis in a cat with pemphigus foliaceus: notę the severity of ulcerative crusting lesions (courtesy ofD.N. Carlotti)
Figurę 22 : 4 : Multicentric ceruminous gland tumours on the medial pinna
Figurę 22 :5 : Severe crusting on the medial pinna and at the entrance to the ear canal, in a cat suspected of having herpesvirus-associated erythema multiforme.
Figurę 22: 6: Lichenifwation ofthe ear canal in a cat with allergic otitis (contact allergy to neomycin)
Figurę 22 : 7: Anisocoria in a Persian cat with suppurative otitis and a perforated tympanic membranę
Figurę 22 : 8 : Scaling and crusting on the medial pinna of a cat with paraneoplastic exfoliative dermatitis (courtesy ofT. Olivry)