Figurę 23:9: Erythema, erosions and crusting on the face ofa Siamese cal with pemphigus foliaceus (courtesy of B.A. Atlee)
Figurę 23 :10: Erosions and crusts on the face ofa Siamese cat with pemphigus erythematosus (courtesy ofT. Olivry)
Figurę 23:11: Alopecia and scaling on the face ofa cat with degenerative, mucinous, lymphocytic, mural folliculitis (courtesy ofD. Heripret)
Figurę 23:12: Erythematous, erosive, shiny lesions on the face ofa cat with pancreatic paraneoplastic alopecia (courtesy of E. Bensignor)
Figurę 23 : 13 : Exfoliative erythroderma in a cat with cutaneous epitheliotropic T celi lymphoma (courtesy of E. Bensignor)
Figurę 23:14: Erosions and crusts in a Siamese cat with otodectic body mange and concomitant FeLV infection
Figurę 23:15: Erosions and crusts on the nose and eyelids ofa cat with mosquito bite hypersensitmty
Figurę 23 :16: Ulcers and crusting on the face ofa cat with mosquito bite hypersensitivity. Squamous celi carcinoma would be a dijferential here (courtesy ofE. Bensignor)