


pine is much coarser in texturc with large expanses of casily torn carlywood. Quebec yellow pinc is a lightweight, light-yellow or pink cven-grained timber with gradual transition from lacewood to earlywood. A delight to carve with sharp chisels. Takes fine detail. Splinters and tears easily.

Spruce (whitewood or white deaJ) (Abies alba) Lustrous pale yellowish-brown, fine-grained, even-textured soft wood. Slow-grown timber is carvable.

Yew (Taxus baccata) A beautiful pink, orange or reddish-gold, fine-grained heartwood. Sapwood startlingly white. Gradual transition from latewood to earlywood. Splinters easily and can run away from the chisel following undulations in the grain. Can takc detail. Needs great care in carving, especially in finishing with chisels. Turns a beautiful rcd-gold with linsced oil.



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