47 (24)

47 (24)

IV. 20

Maku 6Ch. 5l st ir.lo lifSt ch ’.o (onn a mg 1st round: 3ch(coun: as tcfc).work 176: inlo ring ano over paddlng lhrcads. st st into 3rd of 3ch oi oog of rour<i.

2nd round:8ch (count as idc. 5ch), [Idc into next dc. 5ch] 17 limes. sl sl into 3rd ot Scth ar beg of rcund.

3rd round: Sl sl inlo eucli ot nex! 3oli Ol first aron. Ich. into same ch as iasl sl st worK (1SC, 1Ch. 13C], *2SC Into 2cd pan of arcłi anc 2sc inlo firsl part ol nexl arch, imocenterchofarch worktląc. Ich. Isc]: rep from ‘ 16 ti mes m oro. 2sc inlo 2r:d parł oi test arch, 2sc into tirsf oart ci -first arch, sl st into first sc.

4th round: SI sl into first ch sp. ich. -ito samesp aslaslslsl work [Isc. Ich. Isc], 15C into each of next esc. 'into next ch sp work [1 sc, 1ch, 1 sc’. 1sc into aach of next ©sc; rep (rem * 18 limo? morę, sl .oto first sc.

5th round: SI sl into first ch sp. Ich. inlo same sp as las*, sl s; vtcrk l> sc. ich. 1 scj. 1 sc into aach of nsxt esc, *in:o rexr oh sp ■//u,-* f ;vo. leli, Isc], isc in(o eucli uf iu*x( Ssc: rep frem ’ "6 timas rr.ore. sl st into lirst &e.

oth round: S: st into first ch sp Ich, inro same sp 3S last sl st Wtok flsc. Ich, Isc], 1 sc into each of noxt 1 Csc. *:nto nezt ch sp work (1 sc. 1 ch. 1 sc], i sc into each oi nex: lOsc; rap from ‘ 16 limes mera. sl st into lirst sc.

7th round: SI $: imo iirsi ch sp. Ich. «0rk 1SC into sorno Sp ;j:i l;i;;| pl 5ch f1SC irito riex1 ch sp. 5cnj 17 limes, sl st inro fi.-St SC-

6th round: Ich. isc into first sc cf pre-vi0U5 round. $Ch, ISO into next 5ch arch. [2ch. 1sc into naxt sc. 3ch. Isc imo rext 5ch arch] 17 tirnos. 3:2:. s! st into first sc. 9lh round: Sl Sl Into first ot lirst 3ch arch. *cłt. Isc into samo arch as :as: s! 53, '4ch. 13C into n$x: ach arch; rep ircm 1 to enc. 4ch. sl sl into first sc lOth round: Sl st irito each Ol Iks*. 2ch of first 4ch arch. Ich, Isc .nto same arch as (ast sl sis. ’5ch. isc inlo noxi 4ch arch; rep from * to enc, $ch, sl st into first sc. Fasten cif.

_ = Padding thread

A.n orilargornont cf Ino area wilftin t!;a red framo showtog in delail the slitches rep-rasfinifid by the dntted lines on rne main diacram.


Podobne podstrony:
MotifsTraditional Sguare I Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st. 1st round: 5ch (count as 1 dc and 2ch),
MotifsAstrolabe Motif Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st. 1st round:4ch (count as 1dc and 1ch). 11 dc m
Motifs st to top of 3ch. 4th round: Sl st into next dc and ne>t(
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t2492 (20) i * * V 4    ;4t    jjgj    t- .
page0023 —    19 — IV — 0-20 sek., VI — 050 sek., VII — 1*30 sek., VIII — 300 sek., I
kalendarzeB1 1[1] MIEJSCE NA NADRUKBłękitnyAnioł « t i •    • 5 12 19 24 4 13 20 27 7

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