492 (3)

492 (3)

492 Załącznik 11


Seclion li. To bc compleled for cach linie for which a prediciion is rcquircd





16. 17.






Enter Timc (T)in Linę 17. If yourcalculalor has not goi conversion between Hrs/Mtns/Sec and Dcc Hrs it is probably best to work in dccimals e g 1812=18 2 From ATT Part III cnter:

Va!ues of H ........................................Linę 28.

If no dala are givcn, cnter zero

Linę 35 Col 1 Linę 35 Col 2 Linę 38 Col I Linę 38 Col 2

From Seclion A enlcr:

p/24 (Linę 9) ....................................... Linc    18

(AI+gMLine 12)....................................Linc    20

P/24 (Linę 16)...................................... Linc    24

FI (Linę 14 or direct from ATT Tab VII)................Linc    26

ML (Linę 3)........................................ Linę    33 Col 4

Multiply p/24 by T in Linc 19.

Subtract (sce notę 4) Linę 19 from Linę 20 to obtain 0 in l.ine 21.

Enter Sin 0 in M; and S2 columns only of Linę 22.

Entcr Cos 8 in all columns of Linę 23.

Multiply P/24 byTin Linc 25 and add to Linc 26 to obtain interpolatcd value of F (=Ft) in Linę 27. Multiply H (Lnie 28) by Ft (Linc 27). Enter rcsult in Linę 29.

Multiply Linc 29 by Linc 22 to obtain H.Ft.sin 0 in M2 and S2 columns only.

Multiply Linc 29 by Linę 23 to obtain H.Ft.cosO. Insert rcsults for M2, SsandOi inappropriate columns ofLine3l. Insert rcsult for K| in I.ine*30 (Col 4).

N B.From herc on the columns no longcr refer to H.C s and are referred to by their numbers

23.    Sum columns 1 and 2 of Linc 30 and cnter in Linę 32. Col 1 (=R sin r).

24.    Sum columns I and 2 of Linę 31 and enter in Linc 32, Col 2 (=R.cos r). and Col 4.

25.    From R sin rand R cos r obtain valucs of r (Linę 33, Col 1) and R (Linę 33 Col 2).

26.    Obtain 2r in Linc 34, Col 1 and 3r in Linc 37. Col 1.

27.    Obtain R2 in Linc 34 Col 2 and RJ in Linc 37 Col 2.

28    Add Lines 34 and 35 (Col 1) to obtain da in Linc 36.

29    Add Lines 37 and 38 (Col I) to obtain d<, in Linc 39.

30.    Multiply Lines 34 and 35 (Col 2) 10 obtain Da in Linę 36

31.    Multiply Lines 37 and 38 (Col 2) to obtain Dn in Linc 39

32. Obtain Da.cos da and insert in Linc 36. Col 4.

33. Obtain Da.cos d6 and insert in Linc 39, Col 4.

34.    Finally sum Col 4, Lines 30, 31, 32. 33, 36 and 39; enter the result in Linę 40


I It is strongly recommended thal calculations should bracket the rcquired timc and the rcsults bc plotted on any suitablc squarcd paper. A single prcdiction is scldom of valuc as it givcs no indication of the ratę of rise or fali (in complicatcd ports it will not evcn be possible to asccnain whelher it is rising or fatling).

2. Although the box diagrams allow for entry of every step the capabililies of the calculator and the skill of the operator may cnable many boxes to be left blank or placed in Memory. POLAR/RECTANGULAR convcrsion is particularly valuablc and with this facility one can go from Linc 17 to 31 without any intermediate writing down and with no ambiguity of quadrant

3. In many cases intcrpolalion betwcen FI and F2 can bc carried out with sufficicnt accuracy by cyc thus enabling Lines 13, 14, 15. 16, 24 and 25 to bc omitted

4. In order to simplify the calculation (or if being programined to save steps and/or Stores) the following approxima!ions may be madę. Thcsc are givcn in 0ic order of their effect on the accuracy that with the least cffcct being givcn firsr.

(a) Omit lines 4 to 9. Insert the following rates in Linc 18:

M2 .................29.0    deg/hr

Są .................30.0    deg/hr

K| .................15.0    deg/hr

0| .................13.9    deg/hr



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