4-cycle overhead-val ve engine. No mixing of oil and gas. Reliable power always!
Light, easy-starting, easy-riding, easier to ride than a bicycle!
Soft, long-action springing on both wheels. Comfort-able!
Rugged 4-speed gearbox with aucomotivo type clutch.
Low center of gravity. high-stabłllty design.
Ck' dr/ve rmum r*> wmttnonrjt— 2 AC cdluiurntm rżana ty
ENGINE Complctely ncwhf^b tfłiciencr engine of 75 cc with puon rod op*ML*d crrsfhcud vatv«-L?tł»t *Hoy cylinder head. The lubrłcaunt mt«m i* ar che wKiumo typ*. » plunwr pump supplyin* olluoder prewuretothebi* end. Amaictrbiireiwr vri‘cH tw'K frip chrottle contro! and air filter.
TRANSMISSION Four»spe*d gcarbos In unit with tHa enj!**, and wiłh gar primary dcive. Tne secoodary gear te«h *r» (ormed on ih* pcripbery of th* dutch olatei oc wWeb the (ricnon pada ara bandad. Trio w hole of che
primary dri*e runa in «-t oll Uih. li* le*»l *-ei"i aoteunaucally naintamed front the engine
IGNITION AND LIGHTING An engifle łfiaft altcrnaror r.rowide* tfnrtion and dircct RtlltirtB. Four-mcn dumatar bcadiamp, alactrle hnm. taił lamp and refleccor. ipeedometer.
BRAKES 4| ir. dlamatar front and 5 m. diametor rur. bo cii with linger adjułtment. SUSPENSION Front ampaniion ra by leading linka mouneed .n iceeł pretłinei whi<h conceaś th* ipnnp Prasscd Heel te Ir łwinging ?©rk
piycted oo rubber bended fceirinjs Hydr* Ulic* alty dam pad tiijptmtioo unrta.
FRAME Caneilcrcf for *pinć) typ*, of bon aectiofl, »nd In d«ii|it »llow» the engine an unobKrutted air tle**. It i* braced intornailf at rtraicgie point* and tarriaa th* tool* wjtlnn the hallów mam section. Spring-up central aeand. Doai test it ttandard.
FINISH Nory with royal red. Chroirwum plstod wnael ńnu. 8rigb» mrtj chromium piared.
DIMENSION5 Borę and łtrake, 1-87 * 1 óS* (47 ós 42 mm); Caoacity. 4-56 sU. In. F74 8 mm); Ccmprestśon rado. 95-1; Lubrication wet sump; Gear rauca. 11 ’5Ż 15 t. Zł-8. 34 4-1. Generator. 33W: Battery. dry for parkinj; Tira wie. a 25 * 19" (Dunlop). fu«l casicity 3 t»i!or»; Oll cipaoty Ifc pints; Seat h*,ghł 29", Grnitftd daaance 7^"; Weigłtt140 Ibi