I licsc are (litr alreads' fatnotts B.S.A. 25U
Stars with many fint features—L’nil con-struction of cnginc and gcarbox: petrol tank; naccllcd hcadlamp; .two-tonc rlual seat; oil tank and ioolbox unii cnciosing batlery and air cleancr; absorpiinn silcn-cer; dome scction guards, the rear gtiard without stays; 17' wheels with fuli widtli hubs; folding kickslartcr: Iow wcight of 280 Ib. giving a most favourablc power-weight ratio and ouistanding performance.
Scrambles Spccial C15S
H. C. piston (10.0), spccial camshaft, large bure carburettor. upswept exhaust pipę with ckpansion box, Dunlop Sports tyra front 3.00—20, rear 3.50—19, handlehar lrvcrs with hall ends, gear ratios 9.0—11.8—14.94—19.0, optional intcmal gear ratios availablc, polished alloy mudguards. clcarancc 7', wcight 265 Ib.
Trials model C15T
I. .C. piston (6.4), spccial camshaft, upswept pipę with silcnccr, Dunlop Trials Univcrsai tyres łronl 3.00—20. rear 4.00—18, ligłiting set rxtra, gear ratios 9.0—14.67—22.05—28.53, optional intcrnal gear ratios asailable, polished alloy mudguards, rlrarancc 7J', wcight 275 Ib.
model C15SS80
Specification as model CI5 cxccpt lor the following:—
Engine. Diocast liglit alloy head with polished łins. 8.75 comprasinu ratio; high-duty valve spring* and spccial Jarge diarnctcr inlct" valvr; sports camshaft; rollrr bcaring big-end; stccl llywhccls.
Carburettor. 1’ borę Amal Monóbloc lypc.
Transmission. B.S.A. 4-spccd closc-ralio gcar-box iti unit construction with the cnginc; gear
ratios 5.98—7.19—9.91 12.63, optional intcmul
gear ratios asailuble; primary chain with slipprr tyi>e adjuMor.
Fucl Capacity. 3 gallons.
Franie. Sporu type handleb.ir, with combiued front brakc and air control levcr.
Finish. Black or Flainboyanl biur; petrol tank with chrome panel* and gokl linings; chrome płatni mudguard*.
B.S.A. 250 STAR TRIAl.S SPEC1AL model C15T
Electric hom and Sprrdometrr are induded in the -i]Hc;(i< atinn of tliis machinę. It can be •<)ni;>j>•<I widi a direct ligłiting set at an cXtm charge.
6' front hrakc (as 015 illustration on page T. chromiutn platcd petrol tank and chrnmium platcd mudguards are standard.
The alloy petrol tank, alloy mudguards and 7" front brakc illustratcd ;tre supplied as cxtras only.
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