62os 9

62os 9

STAR twin cylinder models

Carburettor. Atnal Mottobloc rnclosrd withitt iptickly (Irtitchnhlc lairing, accrssihlr licklrr; ASO—I' bort*, Ab5 li' horr. twist grip throltlr eon troi; lcvrr-nperaird air slidr; butli Controls with cablr ndjusters. l.argr diamrtrr fdt air cleanrr.

Transmission. B.S.A. four-speetł gearbox, huilt-in unit construction with enginc; positivc stop foot rtmtrnl. Gcar rntios ASO—5.12, 6.0*1, 8.-M, 13.1; A65- 4.35, 5.13, 7.18. 11.1, opiional gcar ratios atailahle. Lower ratios lor sidccar asailahlr. Multi-plau* clutcli running on rollor hrarings and in<orporating a synlhrtir ruhhrr etish drive—bondctl milirut fariugs. Triplc-row 1 pilch primary diain with irmionrr, running in oil-hadt casr. Rrar dtain J' witlr }' pittli.

Ignition and Lighting. latc.is clrclrical rquipttirni; twiriMtoil ignition incorpnrating rnginc-shaft A.C. generator with rectiftcr for D.G. bat ten* lighting. Crar-dri\*rn eon tac t hrrakrr and automatic ndvance Jim! trtard mrehanism mounted on crankcasr; pro-tisiott for cmrrgcncy starting independent of thr hal tery; headlnmp with prr-focus light unit, pilot liglit, a mmc ter, ignition and lighting switches and illumimttcd sprrdometer houscd in stylrd nacdlc; cleetric liorn; stop-tail light incorporating rear irlli-cttir; 13 amp. hr. hattery with polystyrcnc body cnrlosrd within quickly drtachahlr fniring

Fuel Tank. l-gallon rapacity, induding rrtrnr. Rubber mounted and single |K)int ti.\ing.

Twin cylinder model A50

Oil Tank. 6 pint rapa ci ty.

Whcels and Tyres. Dutllop tym. fnmi 3.25 IH ribbrd; rear 3.50 x 18 Uiiivrntal. Quickly drtachahlr rrar whrrl; straiglu sjiokes tn !>nth whcels. Fuli width hu In of elose graincd cjtst-iron.

Brakcs. ASO -7* diarn. froni and rrar; Atifi— dlam. front. FToating brakr shors witli jidjiutnhlr fulenim pins for rasy ccntralisation. Botlt hrakrs cable operated with finger ndjustment.

Suspcnsion. B.S.A. trlescopir front iork-s hydraulie-ally damprd and scalcd. Swinging arm rrar smprnaion picotcd on rubber liondcd bushrs with sell-contaim*tl bydraulic darnper units and fully rnclosrd springi, adjustahle for wcight itt thrrr positious.

Franie, B.S.A. duplrx cradlr lypr incorporating sidccar lugs. Kasily operated spring-up central stand; B.S.A. elita! srai and pillinn lootrrsts; kry-opc~<*< i slccring hradlork; atira«civrly są-Jrd front and • mudguurds; provision Tor rrar cliainrnsc:    largo

rapacity iwin Ihgli-rfficirncy absorption lypc śilcncrr Siatnrsrd rxhaust piprs and .singli* śilcncrr opiional.

Finish. A 50—1’olychromatic grrrn and hlack; AGó— 1’olyrhromalic hlur and hlack. Flamboyant ret! cxtra on Aha. Altrrnatisr colour. hlack. Pctrol tank panrls, whrrl ritns and usual hrighł parts cJtroiniunt platrd. Polished primary dinincasr, timing cóvcr, corker box covrr. Silvcr shern Imbs and brakr platcs with polished rirns.

General Oimensions. Wheel ban* 511'; ground clearancr 7'; ovcra!l Icngtli 81'; handlrhar width 28'; srat hcight 31J" (unladrn); dry wdght ASO— 385 Ib., A65-390 Ib.

Extra Fittings. I.rgshidds. Krat* rhaincasc giving total rnclosurc. Safety hars. Handrail. Carricr. Prop stand. Folding kickstart.

Bnih 500 and 050 power units are packcd willi biting performance whicli can be. kid-gloved at will intosupcrhly cjniet and docilc mastcrpicccs, installcd in robust B.S.A. tluplex fuli cradlc frames, and equippcd with braking power to match. Thesc lascinating and bandsome new machincs unqucstionably represent thr finest vaIuc-for-monc>' twins in the worki.

500 ST


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