90^ BorÄ™ x 77}% Stroke. 996 c.c. AIR or WATER C00LED.
This Engine is intended for Speed work, and is an attractive production botli as regards design and workmanship.
. The valve box is cast separately and secured to the cylinder by two studs. The valve seats are in the head of the cylinder. AU joints in the cylinder head are thns avoided.
The valves are operatcd by orerhead levers and side rods ; the latter bcing provided with return springs enclosed in protecting tubes.
The crank case bolt lugs are the same as the 6 h.p. and 8 h.p. Engines, described on pages 19 and 21.
(A) Heiglrt across top of cylinders to bottom of crank case, 20J".
(B) Extreme length over cylinders, 171".
(C) Diameter of Crank case, 10".
(D) Widtli of Crank case, 3J§"
(E) Width of bolt lugs. 2i".
(F) Width over all, 9".
(G) Belt LinÄ™. 2\".
Weight, 82 lbs.
Supplied with plain gear cover or chain driven Magneto.
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