-Installation (Cont'd)-
2. Install cylinder head with new gasket.
a. Always use new cylinder head gasket.
b. Before tightening cylinder head bolts, make surę that the oil pump drive gear can be turned freely by hand.
c. Be surę to install washers between bolts and cylinder head.
3. Tighten cylinder head bolts.
• Tightening procedures
(1) Tighten all bolts to 29 N-m (3.0 kg-m, 22 ft-lb).
(2) Tighten all bolts to 64 N-m (6.5 kg-m, 47
ft-lb). - > ' 'V
(3) Loosen all bolts completely.
(4) Tighten all bolts to 29 N-m (3.0 kg-m, 22
ft-ibi. ff,
(5) Tighten all bolts to 64 to 69 Ń-m (6.5 to 7.0 kg-m, 47 to 51 ft-lb) or if you have an angle wrench, tum each bolt clockwise the specified degrees.
When performing normal maintenance and inspec tion, first loosen each cylinder head bolt slightly then tighten to a torque of 64 to 69 N-m (6.5 tc 7.0 kg-m, 47 to 51 ft-lb). (This operation should bf done when engine is cold).
4. Install timing belt.
5. Install oil pump idler and oil pump regulator spring.
Be careful of oil pump regulator spring's face.
6. Install upper dust cover.
Be surę to attach upper dust cover gasket to cylinder head correctly.
7. Install spark plugs.
n : 20-29 N-m
(2.0 - 3.0 kg-m, 14 - 22 ft-lb)
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