(llmimr tank |i:mrls. as illustratrd, cxna.
Carburcttor. Aninl with twist glin throille eon troi; Munobloc typc on 1)7; air cleancr.
Engine. Dl 123 cc {52 iU min.), D7 173 cc (61.5 58 mm.), single
cylinder two-struke; ragrd roller brailng big-rnd; D7- needle-iollcr small-enii brnring; timing side Mipportcd |»y bali race, driw-sidr by iwo bali ran,; posime oil ftrd to mail) łiemingn; pctroił liibricalion; silenccr willi driacli-able balllr unii.
The Bftniam Super has a 175 cc cnginc, antl its teleseopic forks antl swinging-ann rcar suspensioii nre holli hydraulically darnped. The Iteadlamp naccllc* and iwo galion tank of mpclcin design, togelhci willi ihe altractive colour sćheines of Royal red 01 Snpphire blue and new donic scction nnidguards ronliilnilc to ii> liaudsonir appcarancc, whilc its nunc powerlnl cnginc and larger brakes provide a gratifying rangę of roatl performance.