64bsasales 4
NEW 40 cu. in. Super-Finished Super-Chromed Twin has full-race camshaft, high-performance engine
Cronkshaft centrifugal filier on the twin cylinder engmes enjurti lhol nothinę bot clcan oil is dclivered to me Dig-end bgarmgs.
For tliose whó prefcr o single carburetor high performance model.
Fuli valanced fenders arc heavily chrome plated.
High c-fficicncy, single-carburecor engine has fuli racing type camshaft.
Sports type headlight 8,000 r.p.m. tacho-meterand speedometer on twin mounts.
New fast-acceleration gearing, improvęd high-alloy sceel gears.
Super-chromed sports model, Is ideał for high speed tourlng or ^ports ridlng.
Valanced fenders for best weather protection whllc touring.
As in ocher BSA twlns. has fułl-hydraulic-controlled forks. 3nd adjustable-to-load rear suspension.
Super-Finish features Indude chrome fenders chrome tank panels, many other parts łn heavy chrome or polished alloy.
Metallic blue tank and side nacelles.
Full-width hubs, powerful brakes madę for quick, surę, stops.
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