SpcciaJitt in Phytiral Parfoction. Om*. Haalłh Mattaga and Phyiical Corraction CONSUl TATION IY AHOiNTMINT ONtr
Your Phytical Diroctor
"Tka Mil IW| |»U«
b <U (m.M M,
G€ORG£ f. JOWFTT 'Ck,-,.*. .* CWm. tmd kMf J ClMlłi»iłM' H.U. m«. Off-ClAt .o.M
—*■••4* •*»»• Ml • IM
Oaaf papli;
I *n pr*ud *f Th# iJpMtt łtolonra ••»»’,» -nat -r -*•. g -?c , -vt** I
laim* that BAtMflf but tbt nejt stffUl an*ł -^rmanehlp aro uaad lit t;*air coa«true» tiar,.
Alga they ara tha UCat tc|mN ?1»M 5 • — j'.n. —to ._-#ry rręr itmrltad,
Kr‘ haaaoea | d**la«d thcau Tou will ^r<rrr to your owr. «»tl* N«**a-. t*at tMy ara
•• • tke• <i*har •zf-iCLscr*
graat ract . 1 vt.: . -r- -.lrod 1: *..•»* 0 -watt ti~: ; U : :a- - tha
•n* ■»*'. >3 «r prof.roaalwi that tt . . Iro. anyono In tha ftally oac ua« thaa* fhoy 4**e 1 tf-% «trou{h far tha w»ak“C8t atsl •t.ry a&ou{h for th<* ftroa.-ałt*
i orwstor that thay ara to axaroloa with, not to bo uaafi for o etront «n canto*t, That Ir rot tha inna o: tno-. et *11.
ttolgbt lifting and u» rwo widaly ilffarant eub.taota,
'orhapa flfty r«r cant. of tha ml^a of thalr uea ta in nha o^arC.aca used ln eon juco tiar., Thay flro to tba Ml raaletanco that ls a<iual tg a
auofc b«»viai peondo^e.
: a ftict that you na lift wora weight wlth a barbail, ‘.liT -rtwra la thg m.ia that iu lift a fro huedrod pound karboli cr*r hl* hoa*; who car. 11"1 tw'. -ulenm Holla aaparately or tha tocal woightT
TSBEE IS THŁ VAU>. Bacldat thay taia ercmy tha dar.rnr of itraln that ror* wlth no ary v*lr.hts«
?ar aonaala builoir.r and itrcr.gth erantion purpotat tnc Ailcn;n palli ar* fhr tha bo»t.
Thay opon a broahor fiold of arerclta to you, ohich yroriiwa ar. aweua far fraatar r«suita, Th*n, »ho «ar.ia to ta bntńarad with i*arry waighta all t-o ti^a?
?hay ara hard to handle, alaoit lnpotalbla to u»o ln tha houaa, ar tha aaarafa ‘■♦drooou
Chi tha o tiar nand, whv d- iji * *. trongr. * ar..' **łt V'r: 11 ier la tha world
fr.yfr Ml o rur. BallaT ńaoauo# thay har« bot. ar ..uacl* and atranrth bulldlaf prlacl*
'■ on tha aoal" gy ‘.tvo x ritetar nim, *hlsh
1» tha rranon whj' arary laading v :dy buildar and Jtror san aaya that ^ Jtlnrua Bali* ara T!v 3ESTf
Tha ayetaa I bnaa your traLnlnr en ls tha • im ayetan that T baaad tha tral-.lv for all -ty gr«atv*t płpilv.
! wwni you to start your PjIctuj Bali arareleae wlth no nora uair.M thao po unia, Tfork up to th<* Udt of ropatltlons ai adaleod for aaoh oxaroioo bafora you uac any norę wal rht, IT.an you auat oow bach to tho orlrlnal eoust to do ao, «70Bwa6*l _