$p#c>*tul in PSyt*c«l P*rTecłio«i. Dief H##ltS and Phy»ic#l Corrocłio*
consuitatkx i* •MCł»<Tu*m omit
Your Phy*»col Diroctor
»<...I.IU Im, t«M#* >• -w. miU " !•<>•'•• >•« GEOftGE F. JOWETT Om-m* «< O.-*—. ..4 »»•*«»• «< Ch»ai>i«M** «•**. OfŁłClAt
iMłtll ••Aa* W««
ni.*«r TYłuudi
Non that ycu *ro roody to prnotiao tho Supor Admnood Ccu.-eo with tho ?jleri» Bor-b«ll, «••• 11 oj; perlono* * r. ma tor ♦ hrill -han oror In p-?rfor=inr tho ••
You will r.o* roalite how val.ua blo ell your prorloua training la to you, and how iupor* *nt t l« that *11 your oworolaoc wor® oroatod on a r»*aduati*d, progrotaiTO eoalo#
PAtsnuar of that you aro now orpuilcally and ruseularly flttod to oafely ontor upon thle noor A,*.v:>nocd Couroo, and I know you will en^oy -wory sdnuto of it. Th< ro OT r-riso* ara win- wlgoroui ln utlmlntin,” yoar nueoloa. Thla Tltal atlailatłoc will brinr your surelo* out to the ftollest ln aieo, etrongth and boautyi your roinjloa will ho.-łn to doflno thomaoWo* nora oloarly, Tou will *cqulro an all-round voroa-tilfty oT rrnar lar powor lf you folloar thourh thi* progran ooneeiontiouely, whlcJi I i auro you will do. Kotle© that tho ll lustra tlona for the ororciaoi show "ho uso o ♦.-o jtiloruB Darbcll »t Itr. .juclnu-. of atrongth - with both Oowernor !31o usod and with tho ćlocko at tho mtlrono otZ~~rurthoof away fron your hand# Thi la
too p»'"rflil for noct pudla at tho boginnlac# You nurt detorninc thi a for youreelf#
It la ln porta, t that you try out ovory oxerolao beforohaid, Just to oeo whor« you nhall place tho uorornor Blocfc or Błocko on tho Łon*; 3ar, and whothor you ohould bogiń b7 uolnr or.o or both of tho Błocka# You can aark tho Bor with a ntaabor for oaoh exdroi»c juot aa to whoro tho Błock nkould bo plncod# and rark tho oxoroi-:o on your leaton with the oorrosponding r.uaber* At tho ond of ovory ejrorclao, I to li you that wb.im ycu hawo ronchod the aajtinua nuróor aecrlbed for oaeh oxoreiBo, you rtu-t rur.-o th» 5ovorr.or Błocka furthor towani: tho ond of tho Bar# away fron your hand to ob a ln noro rer.istanco, and with thla .ncrcanod rcalatanee.bogln tho oaorolse orni-, w.tl ;ho lowoat ntaabor of ropotltlona# aa orlclnally *Won# Evory thlrd practls# nifht, follaw tho a ano oothod of Incroasing the oounta aa ttatod for oaoh erorolco until you reach tho lioit# Tthan thla Ib roachod, ropoat tho adwice rlror. horo for pro.-roaolon, by again novłnf tho Goto mor Błocka Airther toward tho and of tho bar, md nr.ln ovor a.*oln with tho Iow count, lnoroaalnr the ropetltlone aa beforo. You oonatontly oontlnuo tida pronoduro a# your etrongth ineroasoo, and ln thla -r.nr.<-r are eonatantly increaaing your rnuacular growth, and shaping your nuocles into ęracoful ojnnrwtrleal proportlor.a.