SpociaCtł in Phyiifłl Perfection, Di«ił. He*lth M#u«g# «nd Phytical Corroction ' CONSULTATION BY ArtOINTMINT OMlY
*Tfc« Knl łtiaMriU Mi B«iT4*.
!• •»W '' hn>ii ui
War Sody Pu', ider?
I trxa thlaldng o? you aftor 1 want hor* l&at night and roally, I falt gocó to no* tho aueunt of inborost and onthufllatm you havo takon In your courao of phyoical tralninc#
You kncw I lovo cntha#la».T.,
Thoro ia a aayin^ that "Enthuslaoa rewio "ntbutlatn," and I aa a groat boliouor ln it#
Yflth all your or.thutlassi you shoulć ,-o far towarda buildlr.f yourself lat© tha porfoet «tat» for no «thor roaaon than that you alwaya cocpamt*.
You aa Troll aa I d## tłiat no nattor how rwoh tha toaohor may tow* and bo
willlnę t& lxa part to his puplls, lf thoy do not abtorb it# tho pupila will novor r.et anyrhoro*
I alwaya figuro that «nthu«iaan it juat aaothor r.arsa fcr doalr.ation* ron't youł Ii you onjoy dolar a thlng it doednatoo your llfo and that io tho tlrno When you rio things woli#
I r?r.<?ełj»r when I flret took u. phyaioal culturo, all I oould think of, talk af, #r aoo, rrtia a wondorfully nhapod body wlth tho otrongth of a llon«
! deterr.ir.od that I arould bo atroni;, and I be c ano »o itr one aa I dotorninod*
I thoujrht donlnatoly,
Then arain zsjr ty* tor. of tralnlng wat tho boat aa provoa by humlrodt of ny pupila#
Junt thlnk of Sur.ono Sar.dow and ićaalck aa auli aa uyaolf at any tteo whrn you get a flt of tho blues#
Figur- what runts and woaklinfo thoy wero# I was for that rat tor#
Thon tha lnsplration caae upór. thwtn tc po«MM# and thoy did.
-iaoh ono oroatod of Kia body oush a boautlfuł etruoture of ahapoly nuacloo •onblnod wlth torrlflo strangth that thoro was no wotuler the world foli hopeloca ;• ln lcve wlth thesi#
I t*o\ I havo no rogrets as I tum baefc tho pas®"* 1 aa happy and hoalthy and atronr,# Tihat noro doot a r=as **aat1
•rrer thlnk of tho go#d old tlnaa. Brr er tho rood now tlae« tnat aro aoRing. Booauao I an all that I an and think of that whlcb/llea ahood 1 an ln a bottor posltion to aucooac thar. ar.y othor fol law,
You will fool tho sarno way obout It as I do^noro and aoro as your tralnlng gooa along#
3y th* way, I Kopo you did not buap ycrnr noto on tho floor vrhon you flrot prno-tla^d Lnorolno '.śusbcr 7wolvo#