Sp*oat,«ł in Phyłical P.Hecfion, Oioł. M«u«g«
«nd Phytic.il Corrcctior CONiULTATłOM IY APPOINTMEN7 OMIY
"TV, »„,• toW, feiMar
U <k. -o. Id ' (wtH
m«. OFFICIAL -./Id ,h»,.k
*.« •«*» *«k«f li...*
• *W.U .<
r CCkT Pupil J
Tiy r.ow you will bo faul Lag noro of tho r,ooA offocto fron tho twe loaaona al-roady t-akon.
It dooo not tako long for correctivo dłot and right broatfaing to put P-E-P lavr> your vltal notorn, ehl
To liTlnf orr’-i*BSi. ngygon la LIFE. To plant lifb It la not.
;« tai ,;.v tho ylanta ttoro* off wtiilo thoy nbaorb tha o*rton dlcride.
That lc wh»t ; ro ri ,*tfl »oarbon '-.yol*.'
Yoi* *n«* ! ■' r*. In ~.w a*.e vfhat tbfc ruiaBOur^ ort holća for uo ln thło lcaaon*
Iks a ago Ib kii *>e .'.ntlnl jniol o-in* 1 a~ t*
Yo. aro alro . . jjo that cali for dobo rool smoolo aotion.
Aftor you _-j *h*rv w' t1 thnr. T .rant j ou to practlco what I will te*ch you on naooftgo, n y f will Vr.v bat l*. la all about.
«*«▼• w wlfid jy 1 ,;nro yv.u a not mcnbor of ropotitiana to practioo oach er:orelt«- ntM
Tihyl -• . - u r r> 8dtciivo of f.ddttlon'.' 1 bot you havo.
Tho łj -I dld not wmt to^tJrp you /uiy rwru, tłum poaalblo durlng tho firat
fcwo wcoŁb, or tr.ata any atl fmosu Ln tłio nuacloa whloh invariai>ly ccnoa to a be-glnnor.
On tho othe: hond, a follcw la Snclimd to bccotio too d&moi* cnthueiaatio. and that 1 want to roi traln for a whilc. Or I stLr.ht botfcor aay, ooraorro for futuro ocoaaic«X8.
Aftor you havo got what I thltok ia a aatlnftactcry conditionlm* I will lot you loaac, ,
na n ctart, 1 want ycni to odd ono ro^tlticm on oach ororaioo ovory third FTAC-tico nlr.n Yhat *. 21 noan throo nlghto nftcr toniyht you */lll porfom oach oxor-olao eovon tr oć. fhroc nighto lator, oi?;ht tl:^s, and ac ou*
n>jrc arc aloo a faw daily 'lablto I want you to fora, (md ono I want you to 3a>«p be for o ."O x aTwnya.
TTaJk wlth yur chln UP. Your nhouldora 8ACK. Ł-053’7 -Jirow out your ohcat. Juat . on yo\ r nhouHora EACK, and occa-jionally tako ln thr-:- r four doop broatha. Pili your l'.ugo c*ll you fcol liko ahoutlng fra-: tho houeo -topa with tho rl? of livLng* !/><lk ov'ivbody sąuaroly Ln tho fcco* In othor worda, do OYorythin,*; that a roal ha an Y^jld do.
'.jwadaya a nar. ls olaaolflod by tho a*;road of hla ahouldorn, tho trlrmcna of * “i'at lino ar.d tho aporklo of hlo oyo, hla oioan cu\ lloba ar.d tho tLlt of hla ohin.