»» P^rłactior, Diał Haalłh
»nd Pł»y\.-.*l CoTccłion
Yoof Phy».c.«l Duectof
«o««hA» l»J. ►.*!<»<
w >k. -**• <i !•<•••• u.
Dr ar Pupil*
I waa dellghtod to rrceiro your lottor thia lorning and o* #pcr.!r.* tho enYolopo •ee your onrolsor.t and onclenuro.
Th unita a thoucasd tlmen.
! flrmly h*lievo tho roaulta you will ree®lv© fYo* my courao will bo tho rwano of oroatlng a lnsting friendahtp botwoen u».
Your onrolnont for tho Jowott oouran of Hoalth and ?*aaelo Building ota^po you aa bo Lag a poroou of inboillRcnc® and with tho rlght tlnbcr, -3©*«ipłwlly 1 <*- hwp?y to iwjot another who conaldora a porfcot body paokod with health. otrorgth, and onall-nncu tho grontoot aohiovonnnt in llfo.
I Jenów you will aucoood with ao. F.Jght aw*y I will got bu«y and outllne your trhidjlo of tralning for tho ocning woale, whlch will bo your flrat losoon. Yau #113 flnd It attaohod to thia lottor.
How, for tho flrat atop In your tralning.
Pirat I isiat exaot GBEDIEHCE. You ouat do ao I tali you P03IT1VELY.
You asia*. ‘ *t fuithful t# your praotlc© por loda, frota wnloh you will roap a aag-nlficont harooat of glowing aanheod.
Your flrat loaoon will glto apoołal attentton to dlot.
Pirat I want to clcwwe your atenaoh and ontlr© digottlro organa, tha blood rtroar. and tho Intoatinal chnrbora of nny oorruptlon or doctroylng baocllll that muy t* oocrotod thereln.
Don*t worry, r.horo la plonty of rotna for thia olcanaIng procoaa lrroepoctlro of how hoalthy and strong you nay ftael.
Undoratand 7HCROW3HLY, uniona your lntomal organlon la bulli to * por/bot, hoalthy atato with on abundanoo of vit«lic ntaorvo you canrot obtoln tho fullnsaa 1* nuocular growih that i a youra. I nrt golng to ahnw yu\i how t- i *• t thia.
You will flnd that tho onoloaod ozcrclaos will havo a splondld Influenco in promptlng what wo aro after.