Your Phytical Director
230 RFTH AVENUE NEW YORK. I. N. Y.* io Phytidl P®H#cłio«, C>j»t HMltK MatM9« and PłiyłkAt Cftwlw®
'CWipiaa •• Oumphnt »*4 •»W«* >< CUmuw"
• OWlClAl —Id
Odór Wiacls **ul Ićor >
-•/3\. <łld you 11S» h*?tita with tho roal honoet to John U ctsol© build-ia«j wwrslaoa that you prootleed nil loat wnokT
Dcn't thty rivo you tfu. fbollnr or PSP that rota uador your akiaT
Ufo lo r.o* •• orth a rip wlthouc lt.
Tnie® SJcoroiao nunbor Soirontooa. 7®u just llaB]| buro rot to bo pappy to ć*
lt rlfht.
!t roiain ln vm of on old lYłcnd tłat onco ankni *ł to oonc cnrcr to hi, a hout® oni *X®rci»® wlth him. rfc. aald nrnotioo ima *o nc^otonoua alono.
"Blnaa you, tiiore la no ^.onotony tc e;:®reiao lr you train tho way I do," 1
X wor.*- over, anr. whoc ;ro w®ro throiijh ho wna ftoolin;, iikc n yoUnr oolt.
“Ifca,* ho sald, "tho ymy you trala la . I noTor ®x«rcliod that
uny, but froa r.iTw on I IILL."
juat na thoy any "Str- aa dooa po? ropay you with pop*
You will -ot ono hunrirod por o ant. ;»r® of thc offort baok that you jxx t la.
Ihla wook you nr® rocaWlnr four nor® oaorolaoa for wieolo crontion. You will nlao cUsdnnto fbur ereroiaca.
I na eoaeentratlr.-; u por. thc ozorctcca that will cauao tho ęroatoat nuoeular nctlYity ovrr your norro roclonc.
Your bach.
• AU of thc bo e.torcicoo aro rvrcrltca of Staff Scr^oant KOaa and of r-brnaa •-mor ar. wll na nęraolf.
If thoy «r-r ero11 for thor. thoy will bo croat for you. Hht
To b® nblc to put your baok bohlad tho whoel you =uat haro a baok thnt la A3LE tc be bohlad tho wheol.
You roquiro ausclo and otroanth.
Baok powwr has long boon a reao£ni<od aynbol of an powar.
8o ret your shnre of lt nad doa*t ttrgęt to lot r» towar how you lik® it.
hh?fj 11121!—6-1