Speci«i>*t lo PKyiloal Perłaction. Df*ł HmMi M«tu»qa •nd Phytical Corr#cłion CON1UITATIOH «Y aPPOIMTmSMT OHUT
Your Phyiical Dirac tor
M,*i» »•» OMICIAI -.rrf
imw* Aw ••• ••Mat* ••
Poar Pupil*
Horo m? aro aga In Jtill of llfe, I haro Juat gottan through taklng a littla •xtra work-cut aa I haro bocr eonfinod too oloaaly latały.
1 rool lifcfl a raca hora©. Baria* to go, So horo 1 pitch lnto your aooond loa-•or. and Kopa you gat tha aano klok out of tt as I do to wrltlng it ta you.
lłiia lesaon corcre a aubjoct whlch la tho gubatanco of lifa 1 taclf—-8REATHIJIO.
Tha aubjoet la daep and nwoh of tho eontanto will bo a raaolaticn to you,
Strango aa lt nay aoow, aoat taaehora only inatmot on oaa eeetlon of tho four aubjccto that go to esaor t-v aelonoa of broathing aad choat do^lojwwr.t, duo to laok of baalo knowlodge.
A paroo'1 dooe not hawe to bo rory brlght to undoratand that lf broathing ia good for one part of the rcaplratory organa, lt la infinitcly noro iiaportaut for tho wholo to bo tafain car o of.
Why tho noat Inportant parta of your lunga aro tho lowor alr ohambora, whoro roalduo alr and carbon dlozldu nocroto.
Thaao aro the deatroyora that atranglo tho powor of tho lunga and nako you prona to oolda, Plu and othor klndrcd ailaimta.
But doop broathing alono will not do tho trick. R0 SIH.
Tou nuat flrst undoratand tho poeullar fUnotlonlng of tho eheat and tho auacloa that aurround lt. Thon you haro tho aocrot
The ororolaca ! on glring you thla wook hav® brought rcncwcd hoalth to thouaanda . by inoroftaing tho alto of thla troaaurc choat, and bo glving groator apaeo for tho hcart, and Talunc to tho lur.gs.
Thcio oxvrcieoa will glrc you a roal thrlll aa you focl tho Ibtlguo tokln chaaod frocri your cyoton. Cloanaod fruń tho lauaol'. fibro a by tho vigoroda aaiacular aetłrltgr and blood atlesulatlon.
Add theao four cxcrciao« to tho four you aro dolng and fool tho cnorgy orccp down to your to. a. Oh, Han, lt*i a greafc f^ollng.
Contor your aatol tlona or tho tango of the porfeot nan and GET THEKE,
U.t*a go.