SpeciaEtł in Mr^cal Pacłacłlon, Diot H*al*h and Phydcal C*rr*c«©n
C On tui T * r i On Ir aW)!NTm|NT ONIT
Your Phytic*! Dirocłor
D**r Pupil j
no doubt you ruoall that tho firit loaooa of your eoura* wa* rano up on th* i'.ot •junstion and exoroiao3 for eon-: i ticninr ymir abdowon.
fhi« woofc you aro gwttliy; noro oaorolaoa for your abdooon, but ot o noro pro;-r««c ivo order.
śo fhet you eculd r.ot &*■¥« i one thooc «v;orcisos th* flr*t **oir. Th*y wuuld horo ctlffnnod you up too aach.
Tou will flru* thoco <u:©rclao* to bo roni nutola najcors.
Ttioy will ereat* fbr you that corTUraŁed rwaroular ajipoarsjiee *e ifalrabl©
la abdoelnal dovelojnor.t.
to ar abdewon 1* th* *oat of your orgasio witaliby, ani .frat a* in your bacie ard noofc, you eannot bo too aoriouo in atlmilntiar; all tho suscular r.rowth you oan fet łnto it.
iow dld you r3.1t* out on the sonat otorcie©? Dld you tako a ttmblel
"♦U, you will flnd in cono of tboa* «xorcisoa it ia dlffioult to control a atoady ta lanco, but you ahculrl worry, aj you will flnd that th*y aro wali werth whil* lijaatorłiaj.
Th* dlfflculty that liaa In theso exorala*a la in tho fbet that thay ar© bwtofł on tho prlnoiplo o:' lontroęr.. Thlt urinelplo ia th* law of «k*rclen.
ft»r inatance, you ooułil hołd a wolght of two or thro* hundrod poundo quit caaily ln aoa* noaitiona, but in other poaltlona, wharo tho aua© auaoloa ar* la-TOlved, you oottld not handlo forty poundn.
By th* atudy of thia =*thod and appllcatlon, I have b*on «bl* to butld up a couro* of ojcorcla© that ell.rir.atoa tho aoat of hoavy uwl-hta and tho attondant unhandlnoea ln the haao. Th* lorertf-e principia la th* oafnat and th© beat.,
Tid you *vor wondor r.cw it o*.x that a bridg© that lookod ffai' or th* torrlfio woight it auatalnad dally was abl* to hołd upt OT wondor why i anall engir-e was abl* to puli a locd that aeesod to bo wny beyocid lta eapabllltlaet It li all in leirarago.
Uchani cni aclenoo will to 11 you that a bridg© b*co»e sclldifled by th* prc-:>our«. Decowoa etrongor. That ia whafc sc w.U fic oscroioo will do tor you.
*•11 *ld nac, ! ne golnę to olininate four nor© of your mcorciaoa aa 1 add anothor four, and I wlah you all tho luok in the world in gotttng th* resulta out of thC3«
Tourp for phyeical aanhood.
IL-CFJ 162K—7-1